
Leveraging Technology for Better Customer Engagement

Not so long ago, communication with customers was limited to a few traditional methods like phone calls, mail, or face-to-face interactions. However, the rapid advancement of technology has opened numerous new channels and opportunities for customer communication. Understanding and leveraging the technology effectively can significantly enhance a company’s relationship with its customers. 

Utilizing AI and Chatbots

AI and Chatbots have revolutionized customer service by providing instant responses to common inquiries, reducing wait times, and freeing up human agents for more complex issues. They can be integrated across various platforms such as websites, social media, and mobile apps, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

Text Message Marketing

Text message marketing leverages the high open rates of SMS to deliver timely and personalized messages directly to customers’ phones. This method is highly effective for time-sensitive promotions and reminders, ensuring that your message is seen almost instantly.

Web-Based Live Chat

Web-based live chat systems are essential for real-time customer support and sales assistance. They allow businesses to connect instantly with customers, providing a platform for immediate query resolution and enhancing the overall customer experience. Implementing live chat has been shown to significantly increase customer satisfaction rates.

Integrating CRM Systems

CRM systems are essential for managing customer interactions and data effectively. They help businesses track customer activities, manage leads, and automate marketing efforts, which enhances communication and fosters better relationships.

Exploring New Tech Platforms

The continuous advancement in technology offers businesses new platforms to reach and interact with customers. Staying updated with the latest technologies and testing new platforms can provide competitive advantages and improve overall communication strategies.

Training and Empowering Your Team

Developing Strong Communication Skills

To ensure consistent quality, conduct the training regularly and when necessary, such as in times of crisis or product and company updates. Use role-play exercises to give customer service agents experience with various customer interactions. This practical approach helps in building confidence and competence.

Encouraging Empathy and Active Listening

Empathy and active listening are crucial for effective customer service. Train your team to fully engage with customers by understanding their perspectives and providing appropriate feedback. This can include exercises like role-playing from the customer’s point of view to enhance empathy.

Handling Difficult Conversations

Equip your team with the skills to handle difficult conversations through structured training sessions. These should include strategies for de-escalation and maintaining professionalism, even in challenging situations. Regular feedback and scenario-based training can significantly improve the handling of such interactions.

Creating Engaging Content

Developing Relevant and Valuable Content

To effectively engage your audience, it’s crucial to develop content that is both relevant and valuable. This involves understanding the needs and interests of your customers and creating content that addresses these areas. Use customer interactions to learn about common pain points and questions, then tailor your content to provide solutions and answers.

Using Multimedia to Enhance Messages

Incorporating multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics can significantly enhance the appeal and effectiveness of your messages. These elements help in breaking the monotony of text and make the content more engaging and easier to understand.

Interactive and Real-Time Engagement

Engaging with customers in real time through live chats, webinars, or interactive posts can significantly boost engagement levels. This direct interaction not only fosters a stronger connection but also allows for immediate feedback and adjustments to your content strategy.


Effective communication with customers is more crucial than ever in today’s multifaceted digital landscape. As technologies evolve, so too should our approaches to customer communication, ensuring that every interaction adds value and builds trust. Leveraging technology and implementing effective communication techniques will not only enhance customer engagement but also drive business growth.

One Contact Center 

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. 

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


OCC Tips: Customer Service Tips that Lead to Happy and Satisfied Customers

Happy and Satisfied Customers

Providing excellent customer service is paramount to fostering loyalty and satisfaction among customers. This article offers strategic insights into enhancing customer interactions through understanding needs, effective communication, and leveraging technology. By implementing these tips, businesses can create memorable experiences that not only retain customers but also turn them into advocates.

Understanding Customer Needs

Identify and Address Specific Needs

To effectively serve customers, it’s crucial to identify and address specific needs. This involves understanding the key aspects of customer interactions and tailoring services to meet those needs. For instance, recognizing the importance of friendliness, empathy, fairness, and control can significantly enhance customer satisfaction.

Anticipate Future Requirements

Anticipating future requirements is about being proactive rather than reactive. This foresight can be achieved through various methods such as focus groups, CRM insights, and social media monitoring. By predicting what customers will need, businesses can prepare solutions in advance, ensuring they always stay ahead of customer expectations.

Provide Personalized Solutions

This can involve customizing interactions based on customer data or creating unique experiences that resonate on a personal level. An effective strategy is to use customer feedback from multiple channels to tailor products and services, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience.


Effective Communication Strategies

Utilize Clear and Concise Language

Communicating with clarity and precision is crucial in customer interactions. Avoid jargon and complex terms that might confuse the customer. Instead, focus on delivering your message most simply and directly as possible.

Ensure Consistent Messaging Across Channels

Consistency in communication ensures that customers receive the same information and experience, regardless of the channel they use. This can be achieved by maintaining a unified tone and style in all communications and ensuring all team members are on the same page.

Practice Active Listening

Active listening involves more than just hearing the words a customer says; it’s about understanding the complete message being conveyed. This requires full attention and responsiveness to the customer’s needs, which can prevent misunderstandings and build stronger relationships.

Building Strong Customer Relationships

Show Genuine Empathy

Show genuine empathy by acknowledging their concerns and expressing sincere interest in solving their problems. This approach not only resolves issues but also strengthens the emotional connection with the brand.

Create Trust Through Transparency

Transparency is key to building trust. Be clear about your business practices, policies, and any changes that might affect your customers. This openness fosters a secure environment where customers feel valued and respected.

Foster Long-term Engagement

To keep customers engaged over time, focus on continuous interaction and consistent value delivery. Implement loyalty programs, regular updates, and exclusive offers to maintain interest and encourage ongoing engagement. Personalizing interactions based on customer history and preferences makes them feel special and boosts loyalty.

Leveraging Technology for Customer Service

Implement User-friendly Tools

Embracing user-friendly technology is essential for enhancing customer service efficiency. Tools such as web chatbots and self-service platforms not only meet modern customer preferences but also improve response times significantly. For instance, top chatbots can resolve up to 70% of customer inquiries without human intervention, showcasing their effectiveness in streamlining customer interactions.

Utilize Data Analytics for Insights

Leveraging data analytics provides critical insights that empower customer service teams to offer more targeted and effective solutions. By analyzing customer interactions and feedback, businesses can identify patterns and pain points, leading to more informed decisions and improved service strategies.

Enhance Support with AI and Automation

The integration of AI and automation into customer service is becoming increasingly vital. According to recent studies, a significant percentage of CX leaders plan to integrate generative AI across customer touchpoints shortly. This shift indicates a transformational impact on how customers interact with services, enhancing both the speed and quality of support provided.

Empowering Your Customer Service Team

Provide Comprehensive Training

Comprehensive training is crucial for empowering customer service agents. It ensures they have the necessary skills and knowledge to handle various customer scenarios effectively. Training programs should cover product knowledge, communication skills, and problem-solving techniques.

Encourage Ownership and Accountability

Encouraging agents to take ownership of customer issues fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment. This approach not only improves problem resolution but also enhances the agent’s engagement and satisfaction.

Promote Continuous Learning and Improvement

Continuous learning and improvement are essential for keeping the customer service team updated and competent. Regular training sessions, workshops, and access to the latest industry resources can help maintain high service standards.


Gathering and Acting on Customer Feedback

Implement Efficient Feedback Systems

To effectively gather customer feedback, businesses must implement systems that are both accessible and responsive. Utilizing multiple channels such as surveys, social media, and direct customer interactions ensures a comprehensive collection of feedback. Actively seeking feedback not only helps in understanding customer needs but also enhances their experience by making them feel valued.

Analyze Feedback for Actionable Insights

Once feedback is collected, the crucial next step is to analyze it for actionable insights. This involves identifying common themes and issues that can inform business strategies. Data-driven decisions can lead to improved products and services, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction.

Use Feedback to Drive Change

Feedback should be the cornerstone for continuous improvement. By implementing changes based on customer insights, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to service excellence. This proactive approach not only solves existing problems but also prevents future issues, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and customer-centricity.

Creating Memorable Customer Experiences

Creating memorable customer experiences is pivotal in fostering brand loyalty and enhancing customer satisfaction. By focusing on the customer’s journey and identifying areas for improvement, businesses can significantly enhance the overall experience. Here are some strategies to ensure memorable interactions:

Exceed Expectations with Surprises

Surprising your customers positively can leave a lasting impression. Consider small gestures like unexpected upgrades, personalized gifts, or thank-you notes that can make a big difference. These actions show customers that they are valued beyond the transactional relationship.

Ensure Consistency in Service Quality

Consistency is key to building trust and reliability with your customers. Ensure that every interaction meets a high standard of quality, regardless of the channel or touchpoint. This consistency helps in creating a predictable and reliable experience that customers appreciate.

Personalize Interactions to Build Loyalty

Personalization is crucial in making customers feel understood and appreciated. Use data analytics to tailor interactions based on customer preferences and history. Addressing customers by name, remembering their preferences, and making relevant recommendations are practices that foster deeper connections and loyalty.

Maintaining a Positive Service Culture

Cultivate a Customer-first Mindset

A customer-first mindset is essential in fostering a service culture that prioritizes customer satisfaction above all. Emphasizing the importance of each customer interaction ensures that team members always strive to deliver exceptional service.

Encourage Team Collaboration

Effective collaboration among team members can significantly enhance the service quality delivered to customers. By sharing knowledge and supporting one another, employees can offer a more unified and efficient customer experience.

Recognize and Reward Exceptional Service

Acknowledging and rewarding exceptional service not only motivates employees but also reinforces the behaviors that lead to customer delight. Regular recognition can help sustain a positive service culture, making it a key component of maintaining high standards.


Delivering exceptional customer service is pivotal for fostering customer satisfaction and loyalty. By implementing the tips discussed in this blog, such as showing empathy, creating memorable experiences, and continuously seeking feedback, businesses can enhance their customer service practices. Embracing these strategies will not only lead to happier customers but also to a more successful and sustainable business.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

At One Contact Center, our goal is to treat customers not just as transactions but as valued partners in your business journey. We offer BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. 

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Effective Ways to Communicate with Customers and Personalizing Interactions

Customers Communication

In today’s digital age, effective communication with customers is pivotal for business success. The landscape of customer communication has evolved significantly, offering multiple channels and technologies that businesses can leverage to enhance their interaction with customers. This article explores the most effective ways to communicate with customers, ensuring they feel valued and engaged.

Understanding Customer Communication Channels

Social Media Interactions

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become pivotal in fostering direct and immediate customer communication. These platforms allow for real-time engagement and personalized responses, enhancing the customer experience.

Email and Newsletters

Email remains a powerful tool for reaching out to customers with updates, promotions, and informative content. Regular newsletters keep your audience engaged and informed, turning one-time buyers into repeat customers.

In-person and Phone Conversations

Despite the rise of digital communication, traditional methods such as in-person and phone conversations still hold significant value. They provide a personal touch that is often appreciated by customers, especially in complex service scenarios or when a quick resolution is needed.

Personalizing Customer Interactions

Tailored Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for personalizing customer interactions. By segmenting your audience and tailoring content to meet their specific needs, you can enhance engagement significantly. Use customer data to craft personalized messages that resonate on a personal level, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

Customized Social Media Responses

Social media offers a unique platform for real-time, personalized customer service. Responding to customer queries and comments with customized messages shows that you value their input and are attentive to their specific concerns. This practice not only boosts customer satisfaction but also enhances your brand’s reputation.

Personal Touch in Customer Service

Incorporating a personal touch in customer service can transform customer interactions from transactional to meaningful. Whether it’s remembering customer preferences or acknowledging their previous interactions, these small gestures make a big impact. They reflect a deep understanding of the customer’s needs and foster a stronger connection.

Building Trust through Transparency

Admitting Faults Publicly

Transparency sets the foundation of an honest, open, and long-lasting relationship.When admitting faults, it’s crucial to be upfront about mistakes and communicate them to customers as soon as possible. This approach not only shows accountability but also builds trust by demonstrating a commitment to honesty.

Offering Clear Solutions

When issues arise, simply acknowledging them isn’t enough. Offering clear, actionable solutions is key to maintaining trust. Explain how the problem will be solved and what steps will be taken to prevent future occurrences. This transparency in problem-solving reinforces customer confidence in your brand.

Maintaining Open Lines of Communication

Keeping communication lines open is essential for building and maintaining trust. Encourage customers to share their concerns and ensure they know their voices are heard. This ongoing dialogue fosters a deeper relationship and shows that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement.

Strategies for Effective Dialogue

Effective dialogue with customers is not just about talking; it’s about fostering a two-way conversation where listening is as crucial as speaking. Here are some strategies to ensure your dialogues are productive and meaningful.

Listening Actively

Active listening is fundamental in customer interactions. It involves more than just hearing the words; it requires understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. This can be achieved by nodding in in-person conversations, providing auditory cues over the phone, or ensuring timely responses in messaging platforms.

Empathetic Responses

Responding with empathy, understanding, and patience, especially when a customer is upset, helps in de-escalating situations and finding solutions more effectively.

Consistent Follow-Ups

Following up shows that you value the customer and their experience. It’s not just about resolving issues but also about ensuring satisfaction and seeking feedback to improve future interactions.


In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, effective communication with customers is more crucial than ever. The myriad of platforms available—from social media to live chats—provides numerous opportunities for businesses to engage with their clientele in meaningful ways. By implementing a two-way communication channel, being present and empathetic on online platforms, and embracing less formal interactions, companies can build stronger connections and enhance customer satisfaction. Remember, listening is just as important as speaking in any successful communication strategy. 

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. As we’ve explored various effective methods of customer communication, it’s clear to us that adapting to and leveraging these communication avenues can significantly benefit our business’s relationship with our customers.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Ensuring Quality Assurance in BPO Services

Quality Assurance

 As companies look for ways to streamline operations and reduce costs, Business process outsourcing (BPO) services have become increasingly popular. However, ensuring the quality of services provided by BPO vendors is critical to the success of any outsourcing initiative. Quality assurance in BPO services involves setting and maintaining high standards for performance and consistently meeting or exceeding those standards.

Quality assurance is essential in BPO services for several reasons:

1. Customer satisfaction: High-quality services lead to better customer satisfaction and loyalty.

2. Compliance: Many industries have strict regulations and compliance requirements that must be met to avoid fines and legal issues. Quality assurance helps ensure that BPO services are delivered by these regulations.

3. Cost savings: By identifying and addressing quality issues early on, companies can avoid costly rework and improve overall efficiency.

4. Reputation: A reputation for delivering high-quality services can set a company apart from its competitors and attract more business.

Quality Assurance Processes in BPO Services

Quality assurance in BPO services involves a combination of processes, tools, and metrics to monitor, measure, and improve the quality of services provided. Some key processes include:

1. Quality audits: Regular audits are conducted to assess the quality of services provided by the BPO vendor. These audits may include reviewing call recordings, evaluating customer interactions, and assessing adherence to processes and procedures.

2. Performance metrics: Key performance indicators (KPIs) are used to measure the performance of BPO services against predetermined targets. Common KPIs include average handle time, first call resolution, customer satisfaction scores, and adherence to service level agreements.

3. Root cause analysis: When quality issues are identified, root cause analysis is conducted to determine the underlying causes and develop corrective actions to prevent recurrence.

4. Continuous improvement: Quality assurance is an ongoing process that involves identifying opportunities for improvement, implementing changes, and monitoring the impact of those changes over time.

5. Training and development: Providing training and development opportunities for BPO agents is essential to maintaining high-quality services. Well-trained agents are better equipped to handle customer inquiries, follow processes correctly, and provide excellent service.

Benefits of Quality Assurance in BPO Services

Implementing quality assurance in BPO services offers several benefits to companies:

1. Improved customer satisfaction: High-quality services lead to better customer satisfaction, which can help drive business growth and retention.

2. Enhanced reputation: A reputation for delivering high-quality services can help build trust and credibility with customers and stakeholders.

3. Reduced costs: By identifying and addressing quality issues early on, companies can avoid costly rework and improve operational efficiency.

4. Increased productivity: Quality assurance processes can help streamline operations, improve agent performance, and increase overall productivity.


Quality assurance is a critical component of successful BPO services. By implementing processes and tools to monitor, measure, and improve the quality of services provided, companies can ensure customer satisfaction, compliance with regulations, cost savings, and a competitive advantage in the market. Investing in quality assurance in BPO services is an investment in the long-term success and sustainability of the outsourcing relationship.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Outsourcing vs Insourcing: Which is the Better Option?

Outsourcing and Insourcing

In the business world, the decision to outsource or insource certain functions or processes is a critical one that can significantly impact a company’s success. Both outsourcing and insourcing have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential for business owners to carefully consider which option is best for their specific needs. In this article, we will explore the differences between outsourcing and insourcing and the factors to consider when making this decision.

Cost Considerations

One of the most significant factors that companies consider when deciding between outsourcing and insourcing is cost. Outsourcing can often be a more cost-effective option for businesses, as it allows them to access specialized services or skills without hiring full-time employees. Additionally, outsourcing can help companies save on overhead costs such as office space, equipment, and employee benefits.

On the other hand, insourcing can sometimes be more cost-effective in the long run, as companies have more control over the quality and efficiency of the work being done. Insourcing also allows companies to build a skilled workforce in-house, which can lead to long-term cost savings and increased productivity.

Quality Control

When it comes to quality control, insourcing often has the upper hand. With insourcing, companies have more oversight and control over the work being done, which can lead to higher-quality results. Companies can also more easily implement changes or improvements to processes and procedures when work is being done in-house.

Outsourcing, on the other hand, can sometimes lead to challenges with quality control. When work is outsourced to a third party, companies may have less visibility into the processes and procedures being used, which can result in lower-quality work. Communication and coordination issues can also arise when work is outsourced, leading to delays or misunderstandings.

Flexibility and Scalability

Another factor to consider when deciding between outsourcing and insourcing is flexibility and scalability. Outsourcing can offer companies greater flexibility, as they can easily scale up or down their operations based on their needs. Outsourcing can also provide access to a larger pool of talent, which can be beneficial for companies looking to expand into new markets or industries.

Insourcing can sometimes be less flexible than outsourcing, as companies may be limited by the size and skills of their in-house workforce. However, insourcing can provide companies with greater control over their operations, which can be beneficial for companies with strict quality standards or unique business requirements.

Decision-Making Process

 When it comes to deciding between outsourcing and insourcing, companies should carefully evaluate their specific needs, goals, and resources. It can be helpful to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine which option is the most cost-effective in the long run. Companies should also consider factors such as quality control, flexibility, and scalability when making this decision.

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether outsourcing or insourcing is the better option. Each company will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option and determine which one aligns best with its overall business strategy and goals. By taking the time to evaluate these factors and make an informed decision, companies can set themselves up for success in the long term.

In conclusion, the decision to outsource or insource certain functions or processes is a complex one that requires careful consideration of various factors. Both outsourcing and insourcing have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential for companies to carefully evaluate their specific needs and goals before making this decision. By weighing factors such as cost, quality control, flexibility, and scalability, companies can make an informed decision that will set them up for success in the long run.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers outsourcing services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Globalization Impact on the BPO Industry: Opportunities and Challenges

BPO Industry

Globalization has undoubtedly taken the business world by storm, significantly shaping industries and redefining the way companies operate on a global scale. One particular sector that has felt the profound effects of globalization is the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. In this article, we will delve into the impact of globalization on the BPO industry, exploring both the opportunities and challenges it presents.

Opportunities in Globalization for the BPO Industry

1. Market Expansion: Globalization has opened up new markets for BPO companies, allowing them to tap into a broader client base across borders. With advancements in technology and communication, BPO firms can now provide their services to clients worldwide, creating opportunities for growth and expansion.

2. Cost Savings: One of the primary drivers behind outsourcing is cost savings, and globalization has only amplified this benefit for the BPO industry. By leveraging lower labor costs in countries like India and the Philippines, BPO companies can provide cost-effective solutions to their clients, driving operational efficiencies and improving their bottom line.

3. Access to Talent Pool: Globalization has facilitated the movement of skilled labor across borders, enabling BPO companies to access a diverse talent pool for their operations. By tapping into a global workforce, BPO firms can leverage specialized skills and expertise to deliver high-quality services to their clients.

Challenges in Globalization for the BPO Industry

1. Competition: The BPO industry is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. Globalization has intensified this competition, as companies from various countries enter the fray, offering similar services at competitive prices. BPO firms must differentiate themselves and adapt to changing market dynamics to stay ahead of the curve.

2. Regulatory Compliance: Operating in a globalized environment means navigating complex regulatory landscapes and compliance requirements. BPO companies must stay abreast of international regulations and data privacy laws to ensure they are operating within legal boundaries and safeguarding client data.

3. Cultural Differences: Globalization has made it easier for BPO companies to work with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. However, managing cultural differences and communication challenges can hinder effective collaboration. BPO firms must invest in cultural training and sensitivity to bridge these gaps and foster positive client relationships.

Future Outlook for the BPO Industry in a Globalized World

The future of the BPO industry looks promising in a globalized world, with continued growth and innovation on the horizon. As technology advances and businesses seek to streamline their operations, BPO companies will play a crucial role in providing efficient and scalable solutions. By embracing the opportunities presented by globalization and overcoming its challenges, the BPO industry is poised for sustained success in the evolving business landscape.

Globalization has had a profound impact on the BPO industry, shaping its growth and trajectory in the global marketplace. While it has presented numerous opportunities for expansion and efficiency, it has also posed challenges that require strategic adaptation and resilience. 

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center has embraced the changing dynamics of the globalized world so we can thrive and excel in an increasingly interconnected business environment. 

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Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Support Services: A Comprehensive Guide

Outsourcing Customer Support Services

Outsourcing customer support services has become a popular choice for businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve their overall customer experience. By entrusting customer support to a specialized third-party provider, companies can benefit from a range of advantages that can help them save time, and resources, and improve customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of outsourcing customer support services.

Cost Savings

Cost savings is one of the most significant advantages of outsourcing customer support services. By outsourcing, businesses can avoid investing in expensive infrastructure, training, and staff recruitment for an in-house customer support team. Instead, they can pay a flat fee to a third-party provider, which can often be more cost-effective in the long run.

Improved Efficiency

Outsourcing customer support services can also lead to improved efficiency for businesses. External customer support providers are typically experts in the field, with access to specialized tools and technologies that can streamline operations and resolve customer queries more quickly and effectively. This can result in faster response times, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately, improved business performance.

24/7 Support

Many outsourced customer support providers offer 24/7 support, allowing businesses to provide round-the-clock assistance to their customers. This can be particularly beneficial for companies with a global customer base or those operating in different time zones. 24/7 support ensures that customers can receive help whenever they need it, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Outsourcing customer support services also allows businesses to scale their operations up or down based on demand. During peak seasons or busy periods, businesses can easily increase the number of customer support agents to handle the increased workload. Conversely, during slower periods, they can scale back without having to worry about layoffs or employee morale.

Access to Expertise

By outsourcing customer support services, businesses can gain access to a pool of experienced and skilled professionals who are experts in managing customer interactions. These professionals undergo rigorous training and are well-versed in handling a variety of customer queries and concerns. This expertise can help businesses deliver superior customer service and build strong relationships with their customers.

Focus on Core Activities

Outsourcing customer support services allows businesses to focus on their core activities and strategic objectives, rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day support operations. By freeing up internal resources, businesses can divert their attention to areas that drive growth and innovation, ultimately leading to improved business performance and profitability.


In conclusion, outsourcing customer support services can offer a range of benefits for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. By entrusting customer support to a specialized third-party provider, businesses can gain access to expertise, scalability, and around-the-clock support, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support and other BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Outsourcing Back-Office Processes: Trends, Benefits and Strategies

Back Office Support

Outsourcing back-office processes has become a popular practice among businesses looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and focus on core competencies. In today’s competitive and fast-paced business environment, businesses are constantly looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve and maximize efficiencies. Outsourcing back-office processes such as finance and accounting, human resources, and administration has proven to be an effective strategy for many organizations. In this article, we will explore the current trends in outsourcing back-office processes and how businesses can benefit from this practice.

 Benefits of Outsourcing Back-Office Processes

 Outsourcing back-office processes offers a wide range of benefits for businesses, including cost savings, improved efficiency, access to specialized skills, and increased flexibility. By delegating non-core functions to external service providers, companies can focus on their core business activities and strategic initiatives. Additionally, outsourcing back-office processes allows organizations to tap into global talent pools, access advanced technologies, and scale operations up or down based on their needs.

 1. Rise of Digital Transformation

The rise of digital transformation has had a significant impact on the outsourcing industry, especially when it comes to back-office processes. Companies are increasingly leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to streamline back-office operations and enhance efficiency. Digital technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA) and cloud computing are being used to automate repetitive tasks, improve data accuracy, and enable real-time collaboration between in-house teams and external service providers.

 2. Focus on Data Security and Compliance

Data security and compliance have always been top priorities for businesses outsourcing back-office processes. With the growing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, companies are investing in robust security measures and compliance frameworks to protect their sensitive information. Service providers are also expected to adhere to stringent data protection regulations and industry standards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

 3. Shift Towards Value-Added Services

In addition to cost savings and efficiency gains, companies are now looking for value-added services when outsourcing back-office processes. Service providers are being asked to deliver innovative solutions, strategic insights, and personalized experiences that drive business growth and competitive advantage. As a result, outsourcing relationships are becoming more collaborative and strategic, with a focus on delivering tangible business outcomes and enhancing customer satisfaction.

 4. Emphasis on Scalability and Flexibility

 Scalability and flexibility are key considerations for businesses when outsourcing back-office processes. Organizations need to have the ability to scale operations up or down based on changing market dynamics, customer demands, and internal requirements. Service providers are expected to offer flexible pricing models, customized solutions, and on-demand resources to accommodate the evolving needs of their clients. By partnering with agile and responsive outsourcing providers, companies can adapt to changing business conditions and seize new opportunities.

 5. Integration of Outsourcing with Business Strategy

As outsourcing back-office processes becomes more integral to business operations, companies are aligning their outsourcing strategies with their overall business objectives. Organizations are taking a holistic approach to outsourcing, considering factors such as risk management, vendor management, performance monitoring, and value creation. By integrating outsourcing into their business strategy, companies can leverage external expertise, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth in the long run.

In conclusion, the trends in outsourcing back-office processes are evolving rapidly in response to changes in technology, market dynamics, and customer expectations. By staying abreast of these trends and embracing innovation, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth, efficiency, and competitiveness. Outsourcing back-office processes is not just a cost-saving measure but a strategic imperative for organizations looking to thrive in today’s digital age. As companies continue to invest in digital transformation, data security, value-added services, scalability, and integration, outsourcing will remain a powerful tool for driving business success and achieving sustainable results.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support and other BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


The Crucial Role of BPO Services in Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has become essential to many companies’ operations as they seek to streamline processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. BPO services are crucial in helping businesses outsource non-core functions, allowing them to focus on their core competencies and strategic goals.

Benefits of BPO Services:

1. Cost Savings:

One of the primary reasons companies turn to BPO services is to reduce operational costs. Businesses can achieve significant savings by outsourcing functions such as customer service, data entry, or IT support to countries with lower labor costs.

2. Increased Efficiency:

BPO services are often provided by specialized firms that have the expertise and resources to handle specific tasks more efficiently than in-house teams. This allows companies to benefit from improved processes and quicker turnaround times.

3. Scalability:

Outsourcing through BPO services enables businesses to scale their operations up or down quickly in response to changing market conditions or seasonal demands. This flexibility is crucial for maintaining agility and competitiveness.

Types of BPO Services:

1. Back Office Outsourcing:

Back-office functions such as data entry, accounting, human resources, and administrative support can be outsourced to BPO service providers. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities.

2. Front Office Outsourcing:

Front-office functions such as customer service, sales, and marketing can also be outsourced to BPO services. Outsourcing these functions can help improve customer experience and generate more revenue.

Role of BPO Services:

1. Specialized Expertise:

BPO service providers often have specialized expertise in specific areas, allowing them to deliver high-quality services that may not be possible in-house. This expertise can help businesses streamline processes and improve overall performance.

2. Technology and Infrastructure:

BPO service providers invest in the latest technology and infrastructure to support their operations. By leveraging these resources, businesses can benefit from improved efficiency and productivity without having to make large investments themselves.

3. Risk Management:

Outsourcing certain functions to BPO services can help mitigate risks associated with those activities. Service level agreements and quality assurance measures ensure that the outsourced tasks are performed to a high standard, reducing the likelihood of errors or compliance issues.

4. Focus on Core Business Activities:

By outsourcing non-core functions to BPO services, companies can free up resources and time to focus on their core business activities. This allows them to innovate, grow, and remain competitive in their industry.


BPO services play a vital role in business process outsourcing by providing cost-effective solutions, specialized expertise, and scalability to companies looking to streamline their operations. By leveraging the benefits of BPO services, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies to drive growth and success.


25 Customer Service Facts, Quotes and Statistics You Shouldn’t Ignore

Customer Service Facts

The digital revolution continues to cause notable changes and shifts in customer attitudes and expectations. While customer service teams are also expected to adapt and rejig their strategies to meet modern needs, it’s always helpful to have facts and figures available to help teams make informed decisions. Right below are some of our top picks for the best customer service facts, statistics, and quotes.

Bad customer service will cost your business dearly!

  1. 50% of Americans would stop a planned transaction due to poor customer service.

             American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. 33% of Americans say they may switch companies after a single bad service experience.

              American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Businesses in the US lose about $62 billion yearly due to poor customer service.

              New Voice Media

  1. While Americans will tell only 11 people about excellent service experience, they’ll tell 15 people about a poor experience.

            American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

Great customer service boosts business profits and revenue!

  1. 70% of US consumers are likely to spend more on companies with great service delivery.

          American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. A 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by about 25% to 95%.

         Bain & Company

  1. More millennials are willing to spend more if provided with great service.

        American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Acquiring new customers can be anywhere from five to twenty-five times more expensive than retaining current ones.

        Harvard Business Review

What do consumers think?

  1. Feeling unappreciated would make customers switch companies more than any other reason.


  1. 77% of consumers would recommend a business to their friends after a positive experience

       Temkin Group

  1. 81% of Americans feel like businesses are meeting service expectations today compared to 67% in 2014.

      American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. It is still true that customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.

      Lauren Freedman of the E-tailing Group

When it comes to service, going the extra mile pays!

  1. As much as 75% of consumers would like to reach a live agent faster.

        Harris Interactive

  1. 61% of US adult consumers would prefer to do business with companies offering consistent customer services online and offline.


  1. More than 62% of consumers attribute a recent positive experience to the resourcefulness and pleasant nature of a service representative.

       American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Your customers should not be viewed as problems. They are a part of the solution so you should ask them to be part of it.

       Alan Weiss, speaker, and author.

Social media is a great avenue for service!

  1. 53% of Americans are more likely to post about positive service experiences on social media compared to about 35% who would post about poor experiences.

        American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. The average wait time to engage your customers on social media is nine hours.

       Shep Hyken, The 2015 Customer Experience Outlook

  1. About 35% of customers have reached out to companies on social media compared to just 23% and 17% in 2014 and 2012 respectively.

      American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Recommendations from friends and colleagues via social media updates are far more likely to result in sales compared to user reviews on platforms like Yelp and Amazon although those are still important too.

      Jason Mittelstaedt, Yellowstone Growth Partners

  1. 54% of customers used email customer service channels last year making it the most commonly used digital service channel.


  1. Many customers expect email responses in under an hour.

         Toister Performance Solutions

  1. Knowledge bases are the most-used service channels among consumers.


  1. The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you.”

         Derek Sivers, Founder, CD Baby

  1. “Customer service shouldn’t just be a department; it should be the entire company.”

         Tony Hsieh, Founder, and CEO of Zappos

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


The Three (3) Pillars of Exceptional Customer Support

Pillars of Customer Support

Customer service is such a big deal that it could make or break your business. Poor customer can cost you both current and prospective customers and the ROI on great customer service can mean a lot to your business’s bottom line.

While we’ll agree that customer service continues to evolve at an incredibly high pace, three main pillars of excellent customer service will determine what the customer experience feels like. These are;

  •  Your staff
  •  Your products/services, and
  •  Your customers

#1: Hiring for Customer Service

Your staff is the bridge linking your customers with your products and services. If the bridge is broken, you sure know that customers will find it difficult to come on board.

From the receptionists at the counter to the contact center agents handling customer complaints and inquiries, everyone must be working on the same page to achieve the same end goal of delighting customers and prospects with excellent customer service experiences. Your staff members must possess excellent communication skills and must understand the products and services well enough to be able to sell prospects on the benefits it for them.

#2: Knowing Your Products Inside Out

The next thing is the ability to demonstrate what customers and prospects stand to gain by patronizing your business or subscribing to your services. Customers need to be regularly reminded of the value at stake for them. This helps build confidence in your customers making it easier to buy whatever you’re selling them.

You have to know what you’re selling to be able to convince prospective buyers.

Aside from being able to point out the best product features, you also have to be able to link these features with the benefits or feelings they provide. Staff members must be able to demonstrate these benefits to customers, satisfactorily.

#3: Building Healthy Customer Relationships

You need to get to know who your ideal customers are and what problems they are looking to solve. This means you might need to take the time to find out customer expectations to perfect your service in a way that meets most or all of their needs.

Customers like to be treated special and they deserve it. Make them see that you understand their needs and commit to building excellent customer relationships with both current customers and prospects.


It doesn’t take a genius to see how all of these three elements are interconnected.

A problem anywhere will cause the domino effect, effectively impacting all of the other pillars. To be able to deliver awe-inspiring customer experiences consistently, corporate managers and leaders must ensure they tick the boxes at all of the right places.

The benefits here are endless.

According to the American Express Customer Service Barometer;

  •  70% of US consumers have reported spending more with a business because of great customer service.
  •  More than 50% have stopped a planned purchase because of poor customer service, and
  •  One-third of US consumers won’t think twice about switching brand allegiance after just a single instance of poor customer service.

The stakes are so high!

In the same way that there’s much to gain when everything works perfectly, there’s also as much to lose if a business fails to deliver quality service and experiences for its customers.

Fortunately, when all three of the elements we highlighted above are properly understood and designed to work in harmony, it will be much less challenging to deliver customer service experiences that will not only help you retain current customers but also help you acquire plenty of new leads.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.



Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Customer Services vs Customer Experience

Is customer service the same as customer experience? If they are not the same, then how does customer service differ from customer experience, and which to focus on?

Everyone in the contact industry talks about the importance of customer experience in the digital era. However, many businesses today do not know and are often confused about the difference between customer service and customer experience for a variety of reasons. Today, we set out to clear the confusion between the two once and for all.

Let’s take a look at customer service vs. customer experience in more detail.

What is Customer Service?

Customer service focuses on human interaction and directly supporting customers by giving them assistance or advice before or after using or buying your company’s products or services.

 The goal of customer service is to increase customer satisfaction by creating everlasting relationships with customers. It usually requires a team of professionals who can provide answers and assistance like troubleshooting any issues, helping customers how to best use the products, and ensuring that customers have a great buying experience.

What is Customer Experience?

While customer service is one piece of the puzzle, customer experience (CX) is the entire puzzle which involves all the interactions your customer has with your business, products, and services.

Customer experience involves all the ways your business interacts with a customer, from the time the customer is researching the product to shopping and purchasing to actually using the product and following up with the brand afterward. 

3 main components of customer experience:

  1. Customer Service: This includes the interaction between your customer and your team including customer support, customer success, and self-service support.
  2. Technology: This is the product itself — how it works and the interactivity points.
  3. Design: This includes your brand marketing, brand design, and the feelings your brand creates for your customers.

To do customer experience the right way all those components should combine and work together.

Customer Service or Customer Experience?

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience | MC Advisory | Business  Development en Social Media monitoring en Online Customer Care

Clearly “customer service” and “customer experience” are not the same thing, but they are related.  

To set the record straight, customer service is one of the components that make up customer experience. This component is limited to the customer interactions regarding your products or services. Customer experience, on the other hand, involves analyzing data from non-customer-facing teams that contribute to a customer’s overall experience with a product or service.

Now, if you are wondering whether to focus on customer service or customer experience for the best business outcomes, the answer is that you can’t ignore either one, because both of them matter. Customer experience should be at the heart of everything your business does. By including customer service, your brands can delight your customers and exceed their expectations.

If you need an expert company to provide your customers with a seamless, engaged, and real-time customer experience, One Contact Center is the company to call.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


OCC Tips: Effective Customer Retention  Strategies to Take Note

customer retention

How many customers you can retain will impact the success and sustainability of your business going forward.  

Just so you know how important this can be, increasing customer retention by just 5% will help boost your bottom line by as much as 25%, according to research conducted by Harvard Business School. 

What exactly is customer retention?

The customer retention rate describes how well a business gets to keep its paying customers over time. Making and keeping customers should also be the business of every business and below are a few strategies that can help with this. 

How should you improve customer retention? 

Various strategies will help your business keep its paying customers. Some of the most effective among these strategies are discussed below, based on research. 

1. Stand for something.  

The Corporate Executive Board surveyed some 7,000 consumers across the US and the research revealed that as much as 64 percent of these consumers attributed their loyalty and relationship to a brand as a result of their shared values. That should be food for thought if you’re yet to identify with something. 

2. Leverage positive social proof.

Testimonials, online reviews, and other social proofs will prove very vital in getting customers to trust and rely on your brand. Negative social proof will achieve the opposite effect as well. 

3. Appeal to inner ego.

Research has shown that many people prefer products and companies that somehow resemble them. This means you should craft your product, your message, and every other thing to match the needs and yearnings of your target customers. 

4. Show your values and differences.

Help customers identify the value of your service or product by making them see what values your product offers them. This is a strong marketing tool but then you need to be able to understand their current position (how they describe their problems) and where they want to be (how you solve their problems). 

5. Tell them what they want to hear.

Words carry weight and not every word has the same weight. Free, instantly, new, and a host of other words have more persuasive power than others. Most times, these words may even have a psychological effect on their experience with the product or service they’ll purchase. 

6. Reduce friction and pain points.

Nearly a quarter of your customers will be conservative spenders or worse still, tightwads. That’s according to research by Wharton University. For this group of consumers, you’ll need to reduce their pain points and eliminate friction. Using reassuring words such as replacing “a $5 fee” with “a one-time $5 fee” or “a small $5 fee” will seem more appealing. 

7. Educate customers and don’t just sell. 

Don’t leave your customers to fend for themselves.  

Ongoing classes and customer support blogs are just a few of the ways by which you can provide useful info to educate your customers so they get more success from patronizing your brand.  

8. Show your appreciation. 

Nordstrom, Wufoo, and Zappos, all have something in common.  

They all understand the power of ‘thank you’ to their customers as simple as this can be. This is a great strategy you should incorporate to better retain your customers. 

9. Prioritize quality over speed. 

Don’t prioritize speed at the expense of quality.  

As important as timeliness can be, it should be secondary to quality. Again, put enough effort into ensuring you deliver delight with the smallest possible efforts. Don’t sacrifice simplicity just to show off showy gestures that try to imply going the extra mile. 

10. Communicate through the right channels.

There will be some channels your customers prefer over others. Rather than trying to work within an established template, it’s always better to pick a channel that will make the most suit your customers and your business. 

11. Don’t forget the cause while focusing on the effect.

Don’t just apologize or solve the problem alone. Rather, be sure to address the root cause as well so other customers won’t have to face the same issues too. Research has shown that customers who are sensitive to price changes are more likely to leave if they encounter some issues with the product, service, or support they’ve got. 

12. Reward advocacy.  

Time and again, some loyal customers will go out of their way to recommend your business to others. Show them you appreciate their efforts. This can be through simple messages such as a “thank you” to others such as discount offers. 

There is no magic, no shortcuts, and no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to customer retention. Still, a combination of one or all of the above strategies, as well as some others not included in this post, will help you improve your customer retention rate, and boost profits and revenue in the process. 

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


OCC Tips: Implementing Professional Customer Support without Breaking Your Budget

Professional and Affordable Customer Support

If you’ve decided to commit efforts, time, and resources to customer support, it just might be the beginning of a new era of success for your company. But while you’re worried about the high costs of setting up an in-house customer service infrastructure and maintaining a team, you’ll find that outsourcing your customer support services makes much more sense.

The challenge here is that not all support agencies are equal. And it takes only a reliable and reputable agency to help you implement world-class support without breaking your budget. Wondering how this works? There are several steps involved;

Starting with a plan

Your customer support should be built for success from the start. That’s why you need a plan, to begin with. You’ll need to have a strategic plan that will be tailored to meet your specific business needs.

Having a plan and strategy will help you identify your customer support goals as well as the key processes that will be involved to achieve these goals.

Choosing the tools and resources you need

After you’ve strategized and developed your plan, you’ll need to swing into action to realize your goals. For this, you’ll need a variety of tools and resources to help actualize your plans. This can include setting up your infrastructure and choosing your preferred software and technology solutions.

These tools and resources have to be chosen based on your specific business needs. You should also ensure the structure is easily scalable especially when you have plans for future growth and expansion.

Understanding and mapping out your customer journey

Customer service should be focused on customers. That’s why it’s important to have a clear picture of current realities along with customer expectations.

By having inside-out knowledge of the customer journey, it also becomes easier to identify how the internal journey influences the average customer journey and experience, allowing you to optimize such processes to fine-tune customer experience.

Keeping it simple stupid 

KISS is a design principle but it also applies to other things, aside. To design and implement world-class customer support, you’ll want to keep your system and strategy so simple and understandable for team members to ensure optimum performance.

You don’t have to make huge changes at once so you have to avoid overdoing and complicating simple processes. It’s also important to keep your team engaged as well.

Testing, measuring, and improving

Many customer service professionals make the mistake of not understanding that going live is just the beginning of the journey. No matter how highly developed and foolproof your strategy seems, it’s important to continuously test, measure, and optimize your strategies to improve your strategy for more results.

Bottom Line

Customer service will always be a great investment for any business.

The challenge, however, is that most small business owners and managers find it difficult to develop or implement customer support strategies and plans that truly work mostly due to the financial and human resources limitations. Outsourcing to a dedicated customer support agency like One Contact Center, however, makes so much business sense. These services are not just cost-effective. They can also be customized for your unique business needs and can be easily scaled as your business grows.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

Want to implement world-class customer support for your business?

One Contact Center offers virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


OCC Tips: How to Deliver  Fast Customer Service

Fast Customer Service

Email is no doubt a lifesaver in customer service especially when time is of great essence.

But what do you do when everything seems crazy and you have too much that needs to be done right away? In this post, we discuss some tips that will help you deliver effective customer service even when time may not be in your favor.

1. Invest in self-service.

If by now your customer support strategy is yet to incorporate self-service, then you’re missing out on a great opportunity. You have to give customers the power to solve their problems because they want to. Focus on providing on-demand self-service support such as a robust knowledge base so they can solve some of their most common problems without having to join or lengthen the queue.

2. Under-promise but over-deliver

Auto replies are great. We use them as well to reply to our clients whenever we get a receipt of their messages. When we send auto-replies that we’ll respond to their queries or requests within 24 hours, we usually follow up and respond within about three hours. Customers like it when you do this!

3. Be proactive and anticipatory with service delivery.

You don’t have to wait until you’re asked, saved replies, tagging, triage, and other tools will help you sort out things easily. Personalized notifications can also help customer service personnel intercept conversations.

You should always know that problems are inevitable and you should always look forward to them. Frustrated customers can only find relief when their problems are duly solved. Rather than waste your time apologizing, get right into the action and apologize later!

4. Urgency and importance are two different things.

Don’t be cajoled by that customer who has sent all his messages in upper caps or even putting ‘urgent’ somewhere in between. Understand one thing, what is urgent is seldom important and what is important is seldom urgent. Put in place some processes to determine urgency so you don’t put courteous customers at the mercy of ‘loud’ ones.

5. Be empathetic.

Your support team may not always be able to solve all problems; they should, however, be empathetic in all cases. Sometimes, just making customers feel heard and treating them with respect can make so much difference. Along with timeliness and professionalism, empathy and compassion should always be somewhere in between.

6. You may hold the phone.

A phone call helps you build rapport with customers, no doubt. The problem with the phone, however, is with time. An individual may end up taking so much time chatting on the the phone, taking up much time that may have been used to attend to other urgent queries.

While phones are the best for building rapport, holding them up for emails may be more efficient in certain scenarios.

7. Be present at the right time.

24/7 services are excellent but when this is not feasible, you have to maximize your presence.

There’s a limit to how much or how long you’ll be needed in different cases. There’s no point in staying up all the time your customers are all in bed. Depending on your situation, you should find a balance so you’re always there during the most important times.

If you can put in your best these times, you can then supplement your efforts with self-service that’s still available for the most common issues even when you’re absent.

Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to delivering the best in every industry. Still, being flexible while experimenting with these and other tips will help you discover what works best for your business and its customers.

Your clients and customers deserve nothing short of courteous, kind, speedy, and practical responses and solutions to their problems. If you’re able to streamline your processes while paying attention to patterns, you’ll be able to speed up effective deliveries and empathy even with phone and 24/7 availability already out of the picture.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


The Three (3) Pillars of Excellent Customer Service

Customer Experience

Customer service is such a big deal that it could make or break your business. Poor customer can cost you both current and prospective customers and the ROI on great customer service can mean a lot to your business’s bottom line.

While we’ll agree that customer service continues to evolve at an incredibly high pace, three main pillars of excellent customer service will determine the customer experience. These are;

  •  Your staff
  •  Your products/services, and
  •  Your customers

#1: Hiring for Customer Service

Your staff is the bridge linking your customers with your products and services. If the bridge is broken, you sure know that customers will find it difficult to come on board.

From the receptionists at the counter to the contact center agents handling customer complaints and inquiries, everyone must be working on the same page to achieve the same end goal of delighting customers and prospects with excellent customer service experiences. Your staff members must possess excellent communication skills and must understand the products and services well enough to be able to sell prospects on the benefits it for them.

#2: Knowing Your Products Inside Out

The next thing is demonstrating what customers and prospects stand to gain by patronizing your business or subscribing to your services. Customers need to be regularly reminded of the value at stake for them. This helps build confidence in your customers making it easier to buy whatever you’re selling them.

You have to know what you’re selling to be able to convince prospective buyers.

Aside from being able to point out the best product features, you also have to be able to link these features with the benefits or feelings they provide. Staff members must be able to demonstrate these benefits to customers, satisfactorily.

#3: Building Healthy Customer Relationships

It would help if you got to know who your ideal customers are and what problems they are looking to solve. This means you might need to take the time to find out customer expectations to perfect your service in a way that meets most or all of their needs.

Customers like to be treated special and they deserve it. Make them see that you understand their needs and commit to building excellent customer relationships with both current customers and prospects.


It doesn’t take a genius to see how all of these three elements are interconnected.

A problem anywhere will cause the domino effect, effectively impacting all of the other pillars. To be able to deliver awe-inspiring customer experiences consistently, corporate managers and leaders must ensure they tick the boxes at all of the right places.

The benefits here are endless.

According to the American Express Customer Service Barometer;

  •  70% of US consumers have reported spending more with a business because of great customer service.
  •  More than 50% have stopped a planned purchase because of poor customer service, and
  •  One-third of US consumers won’t think twice about switching brand allegiance after just a single instance of poor customer service.

The stakes are so high!

In the same way that there’s much to gain when everything works perfectly, there’s also as much to lose if a business fails to deliver quality service and experiences for its customers.

Fortunately, when all three of the elements we highlighted above are properly understood and designed to work in harmony, it will be much less challenging to deliver customer service experiences that will not only help you retain current customers but also help you acquire plenty of new leads.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses,  startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Lead Conversion: How to Convert Leads into Customers

Consumers in every industry experience buying pain and buyers can be categorized into three classes based on these levels. Spendthrifts making about 15% of your consumers would spend more before hitting their pain level. A whopping 61% will be average spenders while the remaining 24% will be the Tightwads. The tightwads spend less on average before hitting their pain point.

3 Types of Buyers Exist, Understand Each Group

Which type of buyer is most difficult to convert?

Of the three groups, the TIGHTWADS are the hardest to convert.

Well, it makes sense to minimize the buying pain for this group and the others. By reframing value in a way that splits the payment into smaller increments, increasing value with bundling so consumers can pay in one fell swoop, and using the right choice of words, response rates among tightwads can be significantly increased.

Admitting Shortcomings to Highlight Strengths

If you’re wondering whether it would make sense to admit your faults to consumers, you can ultimately turn this into an opportunity to highlight your strengths. Blaming external/other forces for your shortcomings may make you appear helpless to your customers.

On the other hand, admitting honest errors and highlighting how you could do better will make you seem in control of the situation and not prone to making flimsy excuses.

Urgency Still Works, But Use it the Right Way

Urgency is one of the older tricks in the books, but it still works quite alright. However, it can only be effective when your prospects also get clear follow-up instructions on what actions they should take.

Don’t just invoke that sense of urgency, drive them to take specific actions they should take and not just dish out vague instructions.

Use Immediate Stimulation to Instantly Light Up Their Minds

Customers feel instant gratification when they are rewarded after doing business with you.

From research, we’ve come to understand the power of instant gratification and immediate stimulation in getting people to take action. Humans are wired this way and more willing to act when we feel our problems can be solved quickly.

When you can make consumers feel instant rewards, they will be more willing to purchase your product or services. Words like “instantly”, “fast”, and “new”, etc will easily light up the switch in most people. Just be sure to keep to your words.

Establish a Rival to Define Your Audience

To carve out a loyal customer base, you’ll need to find you’re the true voice of your brand. How else would you be able to do this without identifying what you stand against?

To define and divide your ideal customers, you’ll need to identify those ideas, beliefs, and perceptions you stand against.

It did work wonders for Apple. The company took a stand against PCs that were deemed “boring and not quite cool computers”.

Stand for a Meaningful Cause or Ideal

Have you seen how Zappos emphasizes its commitment to customer service all day long? Have you seen how TOMS would donate a pair of shoes for every pair they sell?

Both of these companies have created a brand that reflects their values and ideals. While they may like your products, your most loyal customers will be those who love what your brand stands for.

Play the Devil’s Advocate to Reinforce Customer Loyalty

When people are confronted with someone who truly appears to oppose their position, they begin to try to understand their point of view.

You might have heard of how the Catholic Church would usually appoint a lawyer to dig out reasons against an individual to be canonized. Research from human behavior has shown that this can have the opposite positive effect.

Well, you can also play your own devil’s advocate. You can bring out peculiar objections and issues and then confront them with clear solutions. While this will dismiss your audience’s apprehension, it can also help reinforce their loyalty.

Rather than hinder their decision-making, this can end up increasing their resolve.

Use Reciprocity & Surprise for Customer Retention

Surprise them with something — even something small will do.

Reciprocity is a powerful force in business and it is little wonder that lots of businesses are trying to utilize it to their advantage. On your own, you can stand out by adding an element of surprise to your strategy.

Surprising them with something, even the smallest of gestures can have a profound effect on consumers when you try to show appreciation for their patronage through reciprocity.


7 Practical Tactics for improving Customer Experience (CX)

Customer Experience

Customer relations can make or break your business. That’s why savvy business managers don’t joke with customer service when it comes to improving client retention and brand loyalty. But how exactly can businesses improve their customer service experience? This guide explains seven ways by which small and large businesses can improve the service experience for their customers.

1. Know your product and service inside-out.

You need firsthand knowledge and experience of your service or product to become that product expert who can competently troubleshoot customer issues and challenges.

This will prove key to customer service as well as the ability to help customers resolve whatever issue they may have to deal with.

2. Learn to listen.

Your listening skills should be top-notch to win at customer service.

Customers who reach out for support want to talk so it’s important that they are attentively being listened to. Don’t lose focus trying to push forward your own or agency’s agenda. In fact, this will be vital to understanding your customers’ real problems. This understanding as well will be vital as you strive to problem-solve.

3. Solve problems creatively.

Customers will always face challenges but these experiences can often be leveraged for some positives. If your customer support team has the needed creativity to solve problems, it’s highly likely that customer support will be a great tool to help customers get great service experience.

Once customers have their challenges, do strive to listen and creatively devise or advise them on the best ways to get over these challenges.

4. Responsiveness matters.

The business world today is a fast-moving dynamic and dynamic market.

Customers are now as impatient as ever. This has led to increased expectations and more from businesses and organizations. As far as support is concerned, you need to be up to speed while still being efficient at the same time.

Your customer service team should adopt responsiveness at the core of our operations so that customer challenges, queries, and inquiries can be attended to as fast as possible. This single thing will go a long way to impact customer service experience.

5. Enable self-service.

Many customers would prefer to try and solve their own problems before reaching out to support. This is why it will always be in your best interest to enable self-service opportunities.

Self-service is super cost-effective and can help you reduce the load on your customer service teams. It is a scalable service and its sheer availability to consumers will also go a long way to boost their overall service experience as well as their confidence in your brand.

6. Stay committed to your words.

You want your brand to be perceived as honest, transparent, and credible.

This is why it won’t help if you always have to go against your own words or fail to stick to promises. Customer support teams should be cautious of their words and promises to clients. Promised to get back to a customer within 24 hours? Do just that!

7. Focus on the customer.

Great customer service is one that has the clients at heart.

Everything you do should be done with the interests of your customers. They are the center of your world, the backbone of your business, and the reason you’re in business. Treating them just right will go a long way to improve their experience. This can make the difference between losing customers after one or two transactions or making more loyal and returning customers.

Bottom Line

Every opportunity you have to engage your customers should be spent to improve their experience. This is regardless of the size of your business or the industry you’re in.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers virtual assistance, call center support and BPO services for small businesses to startups and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Benefits of Email and Live Chat Support Services for Customer Satisfaction

Email and Live Chat Support

Customer support is very crucial to the growth of any business. It helps to build trust and credibility as much as it helps to ensure clients are satisfied. There are a variety of ways through which businesses offer support to their customers. These include popular platforms such as social media, phone calls, emails, as well as chat support.

In recent times, email as well as chat support platforms have been getting more popular among businesses and their customers. If you are thinking of engaging your customers through email and chat support services, it would interest you to know why these platforms are important to keeping your customers happy and satisfied. Below are five reasons why you should unlock the benefits of email and chat support services for customer satisfaction and growth.

Trust and Credibility

Customers seem to trust email and chat support more than other channels nowadays. Perhaps this has to do with the fact that both of these are in written forms. People also believe that their complaints and inquiries would be taken more seriously if they were done through written forms. Additionally, customers prefer these channels because the information in there can be trusted and used later for references.

Affordability and Cost-effective

Apart from being a credible and reliable channel, email and support services are also affordable and cost-effective. For businesses, this would considerably reduce expenses and save money that could be invested in other areas of the business. Although it may demand a huge expenditure if it were to be managed in-house, outsourcing your email and chat support to outsourcing companies is considerably more affordable, cost-effective, and convenient.

Privacy Advantage

There are those customers who prefer privacy, especially when the conversation may involve divulging confidential information. Customers turn to chat and email support in this case because of its private and confidential nature. Compared to social media support where the public would see your details glaringly, email and chat support are better when it comes to maintaining privacy than all other channels.

Suitable for Busy Customers

Customers are easily frustrated if they have to wait in long queues. For customers who are too busy and would like to scale this hurdle, sending messages over email or chatting with support can be a better way. It makes it easier for them to get their problems solved without unnecessary frustrations.

Easy to track Customer Satisfaction with Surveys

Want to know how satisfied your customers are with your services? Email messages are a very efficient way to know. You can easily conduct surveys to ascertain customer satisfaction as well as their behaviors. This would go a long way to helping you deliver better services that are tailored to the specific needs of your customers.

These are just a few of the reasons why email and chat services could prove very beneficial to your customer support services. Most small businesses as well as established ones chose to outsource these services because of the convenience and affordability.

Managing the technology and infrastructure required for this can be quite expensive and time-consuming. When you find a competent outsourcing firm to handle these services, you’ll be setting up your company on a path to success and growth.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

At One Contact Center, we help to keep your things in order by helping you respond to unhappy customers, integrating your email right out of the box, and organizing all your requests so you can prioritize and focus on the issues that matter most. We offer a unique pricing model that helps you involve more customers at lower costs.

The truth is that an investment in email support and customer service can later turn out to be a spring of new customers. It could become an efficient, very credible advertisement. Get the most of your email support and customer service today by connecting with One Contact Center.


Things Customers Wish You Knew About Them

customer care tips

Understanding your customers will help you tailor your service to meet their growing expectations. While there’s no general blueprint for understanding customer behavior and expectations. Researchers in the field of social psychology have proved very helpful in this regard. Check out some of the revelations that have been uncovered with these studies. 

1. Good service is better than fast service.

Nobody loves waiting till eternity to get their problems resolved but more customers prioritize the value of a good service over speedy and rushed services. 

Studies have shown that customers are still more likely to pardon slow service than they would for rushed, rude, and seemingly incompetent service.

2. Customers value personalized services more.

Customers love being appreciated and valued and personalizing your services is a great way to get them to feel valued. This is especially great for small businesses that can easily get to know their customers. A study has revealed that your customers are more likely to remember you if you remember their name.

3. Customers love pleasant surprises.

The best things happen unexpectedly. If you want to delight your customers, only a few things are as effective as giving them pleasant surprises they didn’t expect. Going the extra mile works and it’s most effective when it’s not expected.

4. Customer goodwill doesn’t have to be expensive.

It’s always a great thing to show random acts of kindness and appreciation to clients but this does not have to cost your small business an arm and leg. The most effective strategies are often attributed to the act and not the cost.

5. Customers relate better to brand stories.

Sales copies are still very effective but brand stories such as case studies are some of the most effective writings that can spur prospects into action. This is perhaps because of the potential of stories being able to transport our minds into the stories so we can relate to them.

6. Customers are your biggest source of inspiration.

You should view your customers as the core part of the solution rather than as the problem you’re trying to deal with. They are a great source of innovation and ideas that can have meaningful and lasting business impacts. 

Bottom Line

Excellent customer service will greatly boost your business in different aspects from client retention to lead generation, and customer acquisition, as well as business revenue and the bottom line. On the other hand, you can’t get away with delivering poor services; your customers will hate this but your competitors won’t think twice to take advantage of this. 

Up here are the most important things your customers would like you to know. And as it turns out, factoring these into your service delivery and business strategies will prove very beneficial for your business success.

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers back-office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


How to Deliver Bad News to Your Customers

Delivering Bad News

How can you break bad news without causing further stress and disappointment?  

Delivering bad news is one of the least fun aspects of working as a call center agent.

Yet, this is a regular part of the job as there are moments every day when things might fall short of expectations and we’ll need to communicate information that is less than exciting.

As businesses scurry to improve customer experience post-pandemic, these five tips will help call center agents get better at softening bad news for their esteemed customers;


Acknowledge their frustrations.

The customer is highly likely to show their frustrations and disappointment during the moment, depending on the severity of the issue at stake. The first thing you have to do is own your part of the mistake and allow the clients to convey their frustrations.

Agents have to acknowledge the customer’s frustrations and make their feelings validated. This will pave the way to make the customer open to possible solutions or acceptance of the situation.

Be the first to break the news, if possible.

Being early, being upfront, and being authentic will also go a long way to mitigate additional issues that may arise from the situation. So, when you can, it helps when customers get to hear details from you, rather than from an external source.

And as Deborah Farone says in this piece on Forbes, it’s always better to communicate what you can, even if you’re yet to sort out all the details.

Demonstrate empathy and show you’ve been listening.

 The customer has to feel like they’re being listened to.

So, the onus is on the agent to make them feel like their feelings are well understood. And this is where authentic and genuine empathy comes in. Simple sentences such as “I get why you’re feeling this way” or “I understand your disappointment” can go a long way in de-escalating tension in difficult situations. Agents should imagine themselves in the customer’s situation so they can handle the situation better by being real and authentic.

Stick to the facts while being considerate.

Your attempt to downplay a piece of bad news might exacerbate an already pleasant situation.

Without beating around the bush or leaving out important facts, go straight to your point in a simple and considerate manner. Give your customers enough room to ask questions and make clarifications. While it’s not bad to give reassurances, do try to be as succinct and honest as possible.

Offer a genuine apology and possible solutions.

No one wishes to sour the experience for their clients, but stuff happens and what you can do is navigate the situation to a logical conclusion. If the matter at stake is your fault, do apologize for it and own up to your responsibility in making things right.

Most customers would be ready and willing to work out an issue with you if you can demonstrate genuine empathy and responsibility. This means saying sorry when you’re at fault and letting them know what you’re doing or going to do to fix the situation.


Too many times, agents just jump on the phone and relay whatever news it is they have, without having a plan to handle the situation. This is no doubt the easiest way to further piss off your already clients. This can result in longer calling handling times and negative customer experiences. Going forward, you have to be intentional about making positivity out of negative situations, as is possible on most occasions. Fortunately, the tips above will be more than enough to help you steer your conversations the right way.

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Strengthen Your Customer Relationships with These Key Strategies

Free Smiling African American waitress wearing casual t shirt and apron standing at counter in cozy coffee shop with female customer while serving hot drink and looking at each other Stock Photo

In this blog, we’ll touch on five key strategies to help you strengthen your customer relationships. This will no doubt reflect on your customer loyalty and retention metrics.

1.  Focus more on what customers value most about your brand.

According to statistics from Small Biz Trends, while 65 percent of your company’s sales will come from existing customers, the probability of landing sales from new customers is only about 5% to 20%. If this is true, then you need to up your customer retention game.

How do you boost customer loyalty and retention?

Simply by building on your current strengths and minimizing your weaknesses. It’s simple. Identify what current customers value most about your brand and commit more efforts towards improving on these features and attributes.

2. Streamline communication and strive for more transparency.

While we agree that COVID has made business operations a lot more challenging in most cases, keeping customers in the dark about developments has never been a great business strategy.

Customers need to know what they need to know, even if you have to deliver the bad news in a way that won’t hurt their feelings.

Are there any changes to normal business opening and closing times? Are there changes to services in any aspect? Whatever it is that customers would like to know, it helps greatly to streamline communications such that this information is passed across to ease customers of their worries and concerns.

3. Reaffirm your values to your customers in alignment with their business’s needs.

It doesn’t matter what you’re doing if it barely solves your customers’ problems.

Your customers’ greatest concern is how you meet their needs. Your messages, calls, and marketing pieces must reflect this. It should be a part of your brand message so you never miss out on communicating this to clients at every opportunity. It hardly matters whether it’s the first time of rolling out your purpose and values scripts or whether you’re reaffirming these values to clients during this critical ‘business not as usual’ period. At every opportunity you get, never miss the chance to impress your clients.

4.  Maintain an accurate customer database.

A consistent, up-to-date, and accurate customer information database can make a world of difference as far as customer relationship management is concerned.

It’s important to maintain complete data, avoid duplicate leads and contact entries, as well as maintain a consistent style for data entry. Updating customer information such as transaction history, preferences, and more is important. This helps avoid mess and the need to clean up data errors. Also, it can help improve service delivery, especially if you want to add a personal touch to your customer service.

5. Deliver personalized customer experiences.

We wrote recently about how customer retention can help during the pandemic. The truth is customers are oftentimes more loyal to a brand if it meets their needs for quality products or services. And one way most businesses often miss out on achieving this is through service personalization. This is where the customer database comes in.

You want to keep track of their interactions and feedback to ensure you offer services tailored to their needs. You want to show them you care and, in the process, make them feel more connected to your brand or business.

Customers want to be treated like real people, and not just some numbers.

At a time like this, you want to build on the existing relationship. Not only can this increase the possibility for long-term patronage it can also help boost your marketing efforts as loyal and satisfied customers are more likely to advocate your brands to others.

In the end, everything boils down to keeping customer service at 100% as well as backing this up with excellent support services on those occasions when customers encounter one or more challenges.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Call Center Agents Must Avoid these 5 Communication Mistakes to Guarantee Positive Customer Experiences

Communication Mistakes

Difficult customers and dramas come with the job when you’re a call center agent. It is your responsibility to manage these moments and conversations to get the best possible outcomes.

One of the most important things in situations like these is to avoid using the wrong words. On this note, we highlight five communication blunders call center agents must avoid to guarantee positive customer experiences and interactions, on most occasions;

Getting Off on the Wrong Foot

Like any interaction, the first impression matters when taking calls from customers whether they’re making an inquiry or when they’re aggrieved. If possible, one of your first three words should be the name of the caller. Not only will this help you get their attention, but it will also help keep the conversation going on the right foot.

Poor Questions/Bad Listening

Two ears and one mouth —that’s what you’ve got.

The best call center agents should possess excellent listening skills. Doing this, however, requires making a conscious decision to listen to the other person. By listening attentively, it’s always easier to figure out relevant and important questions to ask. Not only will this help keep the convo moving forward, but it will also make the complainant feel heard and understood.

Careless Choice of Words

Choosing your words carefully is important for any call center agent. For aggrieved customers, your words should heal, rather than hurt. And for those making inquiries, the conversation should be as informative as possible.

Not only will customers take this as a reflection of the agent’s attitude and personality, but it can also impact their perception of the company’s culture and service. Call center interactions are a critical aspect of the customer experience. The words used during these interactions must be carefully chosen to have the desired positive effect.

Not Focusing on the Caller

Forward-thinking businesses understand just how customer focus is important for success. This attitude and approach should dictate everything from call center service to every decision-making process within an organization.

Call center agents should always focus the conversation on the other person (customers on the phone). For example, to analyze the importance or benefit of a particular service or action, agents should highlight the particular feeling being received.

Wrong Tone of Voice

There’s a common saying that 10% of conflict is due to a difference in opinion while the other 90% is due to the wrong tone of voice. Speaking in the right tones can help convey empathy during conversations.

The pitch of one’s voice as well as the volume and rate, among other things, can help express feelings through statements. This is why knowing what to say is not just an important thing because how you say it also matters.

The impacts of call center services on customer experience cannot be overstated.

And as it turns out, the words we use as call center professionals, could be a turn-on or turn-off, as the case may be. While no agent will intentionally try to ruin the experience for their customers, a lot of problems can be avoided when you know what to avoid, in the first place.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


It’s Time to Outsource Your Online Booking and Reservation Services

Online Reservation and Booking

You may not have known, but companies outsourcing their online booking and reservation services are at an advantage over their competitors who aren’t. Your outsourced telemarketing services should not necessarily be confined to the premises of your business premises. Today’s rapidly advancing technology has made remote working easier and if there is something very amazing that this brings, it is the ability to outsource several non-administrative tasks and functions in your company to professional outsourcing firms.

While you may choose to manage your online booking and reservation services as well as call center services within your business premises, most times, it is always a better option to outsource so you can enjoy the great benefits that come with this service. If your business is showing the following signs, you should know the time is just ripe enough to delegate all of your telemarketing services to a professional telemarketing service provider.

1. When your leads are poor and your ROI is not impressive. 

Hospitality and travel and tours like any business are always looking to improve ROI and profits and one of the ways by which this can happen is through the generation of high-quality leads. But when your leads are poor and the ROI seems to be horrible, your telemarketers may be to hold for this. This is understandable as one will find it hard to fit square pegs in round holes. It takes more than just readiness to become a great telemarketer. A lot of skills and experience are also needed and any failure on the part of your telemarketing team would have obvious results on your business’ profit and growth. So, when you notice your ROI to be poor and horrid-looking, the problem may be traced to your in-house telemarketing team.

2. When you’re under-achieving your business goals. 

Every company should set goals and objectives to be with objectives and plans to achieve them. If for any reason your telemarketers or employees handling bookings and reservations seem to be under-achieving, then, it may be time you delegate this service to professionals. If your team underperforms and finds it a struggle to manage all of the daily requirements of good telemarketing campaigns, it may be down to their inexperience or the lack of skills depending on which one. While good telemarketers will always improve based on the response of their recipient with several professional skills and experience, inexperienced telemarketers will always be holding you back from achieving significant telemarketing goals and success.

3. When you have scheduling and time problems.

You and your team may be in the business premise but then it doesn’t mean that your clients and prospects would be able to schedule their calls correctly to fit into your working schedule. You never can tell when anyone might want to place a call through and this may not be good for business if you have to miss them due to unavailability.

Dedicated online booking and reservation service providers would help you achieve unparalleled customer service and satisfaction. They can work behind the clock to ensure your customers are well-attended without worrying about inexperienced telemarketers or inconveniences that may come with any time of the day. Outsourcing your telemarketing services would help you improve focus and productivity. Delegate your telemarketing tasks to trained professionals and you can watch your company improve not only on customer support and marketing issues but also in the areas of productivity.

Benefits of an Outsourced Contact Center to Handle Online Bookings and Reservations

Outsourced call center services for your hotel, travel and tours, entertainment, and transportation business with online bookings and reservations offer many distinct advantages including:

  • Increased Booking & Occupancy
  • 24/7 Support
  • Reduced Cost of Turnover & Training
  • Captured Hot Leads
  • Increased ROI
  • Improved Social Marketing Ratings

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers outsourced booking and reservation services, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Why Your Food Delivery Business Needs Outsourced Customer Support

Food Delivery Call Center

The food delivery industry has continued to grow in recent years and has become the new normal. Even as the restrictions are slowly easing up, many customers still use food delivery services as they offer easy and quick methods to enjoy delicious food from the comfort of their homes.

The increasing demand for this service has resulted in the emergence of numerous food delivery apps and platforms. However, with high customer expectations, inquiries, and complaints many food businesses especially startups are having a hard time getting a toehold in an increasingly competitive market.

Top Customers’ Issues with Food Deliveries

In food delivery, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Many customers reported that they had an issue with their delivery and needed customer service. Some customer service challenges faced by the food delivery industry today are:

– Food Quality
– Late Delivery
– Incorrect Order
– Order never arrived
– Driver required assistance

To handle these issues professionally you need to make sure that your food delivery platforms and apps are backed up by professional customer support operations.

Why Your Food Delivery Business Needs Outsourced Customer Support

Outsourcing offers businesses like food delivery a lot of advantages and integrating an outsourced customer support service is a practical approach in reinforcing your business with good client impression to give it a smooth running. Here are some of the important reasons why you should outsource your business customer support job:

1. Cost Reduction

The biggest reason to outsource your customer support service is the reduction of cost. When you outsource, you don’t need to provide infrastructure such as office space and gadgets, pay salaries, and conduct training sessions for your employees. The outsourced customer support company takes care of all these. You also save on software costs, which is provided by the company as it is among the key tools to facilitate the smooth running of their business. Since you can save cost, it means that you can divert your attention to other equally important business activities and device means to increase your profits.

2. Increased Business Productivity

Another great reason is that outsourcing your customer support job will help to increase your business productivity. Since these customer companies hire professionals to do their jobs and engage the clients, the overall efficiency of work and output is higher. Customer demands and needs increase and change with time and they always expect the best services. Outsourcing companies understand this and spend quality time and resources to remain updated about these changes so they remain as effective and efficient as ever to respond to your client in the best of manners and provide solutions to their queries.

3. 24/7 Operation

Finally, the last reason we will talk about is the benefit of round-the-clock business operations. Since you can outsource to a company outside your time zone: you can get your customers attended to while you are closed for the day at your business location and wake up to deliver your service the next day.

For professional outsourced customer support service, contact us at One Contact Center and let us use our expertise to uplift your business.

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for food delivery businesses to startups and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Why Outsource Your Travel and Tours Call Center

travel and tours call center

As the world has loosened pandemic restrictions, and started returning to normal, the travel and tourism industry expects a surge of travelers booking their ticket flights, hotels, and holiday packages. People want to experience the fun and joy of traveling again and expect smooth, hassle-free travels amid the pandemic. With the high demands and sudden influx of travelers, companies in the travel, hospitality, and transportation industry should ensure to provide seamless customer care, this is where travel call centers come into the picture.

Whether you’re a travel and tour owner or an airline or hotel owner, you get a barrage of phone calls, live chats, and emails from customers and travelers with different kinds of concerns. Having an outsourced call center for your business is truly a blessing as they can handle customers and clients in multiple channels while you focus your time and effort on your business’s core competency. So, why should you outsource your call center needs for travel and tourism? Here are some of the many advantages your business can get when you outsource all your travel call center needs:

Highly Skilled Call Center Representatives

Businesses in the travel, tourism, and even hospitality industries can take advantage of the team of highly skilled employees and agents from a professional call center company. These agents must undergo training to be hired as a call center agent. They are expected to be well-informed about the culture of their audience, efficient in answering calls, and competent in the details of your product, the system, and the process of how your company works.

Low Cost

It is a known fact that call center services from low-cost destinations like the Philippines, India, and South Africa are very in demand. This is because the services they provide are not only efficient but also cost-effective.

In addition, outsourcing your call center needs is a more cost-effective solution than hiring and maintaining an entire call center workforce in-house. You don’t have to spend money on IT equipment, call center software, servers, and telephony since external service providers would provide these all. It also saves you from incurring the maintenance costs. So if anything needs a repair, it would be dealt with by the call center company you hired.

Increased Efficiency across the Board

An experienced outsourced call center service firm is responsible and accountable to you. The company will make sure to hit predetermined call metrics such as average call times, first-time resolution, time on hold, and many others. An expert provider will leave no stone unturned when it comes to how efficiently calls are answered and how quickly customer issues or concerns are solved.

Increased Service Levels

If you want to improve your service level, then outsourcing your call center workforce may be a great solution. When call volume increases, you can always outsource the overflow calls to contracted can center agents. This will decrease wait time and increase service level.

Decreased Call Abandonment

When you contract out your overflow calls to an outsourcing company, you can decrease your call abandonment. You can expect that every call will be answered in a timely fashion and your clients and customers will love this expedited service.

Save on Equipment

Telemarketing equipment is very expensive and would eat up a significant part of one’s investment. You would need telephone lines, computers and peripherals, space, fixtures, and more. And if these things lie idle during lean months, capital investment would also sleep. Outsourcing telemarketing requirements does away with the need for equipment. The money saved by not having to purchase equipment can be invested in equally important business initiatives.

Less Administration Work

Outsourcing means no tedious hiring of telemarketers and other personnel, no training needed, minimum supervision, and easier management. When a company enters into a contract with an outsourcing company, the outsourcing company takes care of fielding telemarketers and support staff who are already trained. The role of the contracting company becomes limited, thus less headache and less stress.

Lower Manpower Expenses

Many outsourcing companies are based in different countries where the salary standard is lower than the contracting company’s minimum wage requirements. Their salary may be lower but their telemarketing skills are impressive. Also, because telemarketing has been outsourced, there is no need for additional support staff like the technical team and supervisors. This also means savings on manpower expenses.

Professional Handling

Outsourcing companies have long years of experience in the industry and have professional telemarketers, technical support staff, and highly efficient team leaders. These staff members have been trained and are continuously engaged in training activities to better improve their capacities. They are also familiar with the laws and regulations concerning telemarketing.

Hire Only When Need Arises

Let’s face it, business can fluctuate, or be seasonal; hiring telemarketers on a short-term basis is a great way to have the staff when it’s needed the most. Minimizing staff members during lean months and maximizing telemarketers during peak seasons is a great advantage of outsourced telemarketing.

If you are interested in saving your valuable time and productive resources, enhancing your business customer service, increasing efficiency, and reducing risk without sacrificing your bottom line, then outsourcing your call center services is the best bet.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

With the rising employee costs and ever-changing labor laws, outsourcing your travel and tours’ telemarketing needs might be the business advantage you’ve been searching for.

One Contact Center offers back-office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.


8 Ingenious Ways You Can Improve Your Businesses Customer Experience

Customer Experience Strategy

Customers yearn more than ever for more attention and while many businesses are honestly trying to be better, they end up falling flat and ‘just okay’ before the intended audience. What are companies doing wrong and how can they get this right? These are the things we’ll explore in this blog.

 But then,

What is a customer experience strategy?

 Well, CX sums up all customer interactions with the company before and after the sale. The customer experience strategy will, therefore, mean a sum of all the actionable plans the company has in place to guarantee maximum positivity and happiness as these relate to the customers’ experience.

 So, Here Are the Ingenious Ways Businesses Can Improve Customer Experience

 Less than one-tenth of businesses today are getting a nod of total customer approval and satisfaction. Find out what your company needs to get right to enter this highly-coveted league.

Innovating Rather than Imitating

Imitation is bad and can hinder your company from being above ‘OK’.

 You’ll hardly get much done by outright copying what your competitors are doing. The problem even gets worse when you consider that only a handful of companies are getting their customer experience strategies right.

Copying these businesses, however, will lead your company in the same way. Rather than imitation, innovation is what you’ll need to win prospects over and retain them successfully.

Eliminating Complexity by Cutting Off High-effort Experiences

Agreed that being ‘just okay’ is not what you want, also, making things unnecessarily complicated for customers just to ‘wow’ them is the number one recipe for disloyalty.

Many customers just want their immediate needs met in a very painless and effortless way. All too often, businesses complicate their experience because of some delightful tactics they aimed at wowing them.

Unfortunately, this hardly works. So, it’s better to eliminate complexity and disloyalty by successfully eliminating all high-effort experiences.

Approaching Technology with an Eye on Value

Many times, companies adopt technology as a crutch, just for the sake of it.

 Some of these technologies end up adding no real value to their customer experience or even souring this in some cases. Rather than just adopting a system because it’s trendy, businesses that are always focused on value will be able to identify valuable technologies and incorporate these into their businesses in a way that adds more value and improves their customer experience.

Thinking of Decisions Through Before Actions

Many businesses rush into making consequential decisions without carefully evaluating how these will truly affect the customers who would be at the receiving end.

Rather than trying to dive in as soon as possible, companies should first consider what exactly their customers want and then use this to shape their decisions.

Incorporating Branding into the Customer Experience

We’ve mentioned how innovation is one very important thing that drives positive and unique customer experiences. One ingenious way to do this is by incorporating your brand into the customer experience.

 This makes it harder for competitors to copy the innovations as most of these memorable experiences are usually tied to and associated with the brands and businesses that first implemented them.

 Focusing on Providing Quality Support

There’s hardly anything positive about companies that offer crappy customer support.

It makes sense to back up your excellent service quality with an equally excellent support service. This adds a lot to the customer experience creates credibility and enhances loyalty to the brand.

Fashion Customer Experience Around Your Business Model

You want to avoid non-valuable innovations and feature improvements that are of no importance to your customers. By designing your customer experience strategy around your business model, you’ll effortlessly add great value and strength to your business.

Listening Relentlessly to Customers

Here we round it up. If you haven’t been doing this; start talking and listening to your customers relentlessly. Why is this important? Because you want to extract insights and see from their perspective.

This will not just help you evaluate what impact your strategies are having, it will also help you understand where corrections and adjustments are highly needed.

Since your goal is to create a more positive customer experience, the customers themselves are your best bet to get the information you need.

Improving your customer experience will go a long way to improve your customers’ satisfaction with your brand and anything aside from this will do your company no good.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers social media marketing, back office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Significant Role of KPI in Your Business Objectives and Accomplishments

Key Performance Indicators

Setting up a short-term goal and following those targets diligently seems easy, so why would a company require KIPs to measure their accomplishments? Let me explain how key performance indicators play a vital role in making a business successful. 

Key performance indicators play a significant role in business accomplishment as they keep the business’s objectives at the forefront while making any decisions. To become successful, the business objectives must be well communicated across the organization. This ensures that the employees are responsible for their KPIs, and their actions would directly affect the company’s growth. Thus, by empowering the employees, any business can overachieve its goals efficiently. Furthermore, KPIs are not just used for quantitative analysis but also used for qualitative analysis of the employees. This ensures that the employees’ work is beneficial to the company and not only done to reach the targets.

Boosting Employees Morale 

The culture of the company sets the level of performance done by its employees. This culture helps in motivating and supporting their employees to work better and grow together with the association. By following the employee’s KPIs, an organization can determine the hard work done by the staff and reward the hardworking employees. Thus, by completing the KPIs, an employee could develop a feeling of responsibility and accountability towards its success. This creates a sense of ownership and offers recognizable evidence of that employee’s contribution to the business. Often, there could be a possibility that an organization’s long-term goals may not align with the long-term goals of their employees. However, setting up short-term goals in the form of KPIs may help both parties to grow simultaneously.

Tracking Employees Personal Growth 

In a big organization, any project’s success or failure is directly held accountable to the team undertaking the said project. It becomes challenging for the company to analyze the individual contribution of the employees in a group project. However, with KPIs’ help, the company can quickly determine the employees who really put in the hard work and which employees slacked behind. In this way, the organization can easily reward and help the hardworking employee. On the other hand, the organization can set up a training simulation for the employees showing poor KPIs.  

Setting up efficient KPIs for the employees could help the company to pave the road towards success. It’s not just setting up goals and targets but how efficiently they are met determines any business’s triumph. 

We know how essential it is to set up the right KPIs for organizations as what works for one company may not work for others. 

That’s where One Contact Center comes in. With several years of experience and clients worldwide, we have developed the best strategy to set KPIs for any business.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

If you are keen on setting goals and targets for your organizations in the form of KPIs, contact us today.


Customer Communication: Developing and Implementing the Right “TONE”

Effective Communication

Customer satisfaction and brand image are two things every business wants to keep at a high point. As it turns out, nothing would impact these two things as much as the way you communicate and relay info to your clientele.

More than splashy logos and percentage-off discounts, consistently delightful communication would bring about greater results than most other business tricks and tips you can think of. How then should you be talking to your customers?

This article will discuss the simple strategies behind effective communication. To consistently engage your customers in successful conversations that will result in superb customer experience, it will first start with you treating your customers as humans. Aren’t they humans after all? Even then, let’s see everything there is to see.

The Right “TONE”

An off-tone will make the whole piece flat just as in music. Consider both of these sentences;

“What else can I help you with?”


“Anything else?”

While both sentences mean the same thing, you’ll agree with me that they’ll generate different feelings. You must define your standards as regards conversations. While this will help the team have a collective voice, each team member can still sound unique without looking like everyone is reading from the same script.

In developing the right customer support tone, you’ll need to consider a lot of things.

  • You’ll have to visualize tone as a spectrum stretching from a negative to a positive side.
  • Always use POSITIVE LANGUAGE, and be wary of negative languages like can’t, didn’t, won’t, you need to, you have to, etc.
  • It’s also nice to be brief but not necessarily brusque.
  • Regardless of how amazing your reply is — most customers are going to ignore a very lengthy word email. So make sure to keep both sentences and paragraphs short.
  • Timeliness of response should also be a priority as should be the use of customers’ names in greetings and conversations.
  • You may also want to mirror their communication style while being careful with humor.
  • You should also create a style guide documenting all the elements of your brand so your team can be consistent in working in line.
  • You may also build a database of common replies to be used as templates on which your team can build.
  • Be precise and help as much as you can. Avoid boring customer service clichés and simplify your conversations with foreigners.
  • Talk to your customers like people, and not machines, and endeavor to always end encounters on a high note.

Managing Difficult Conversations for Customer Happiness

Those difficult times will always come. Customers will request features outside your roadmap. They’ll want to buy items that you currently don’t have in stock. Other difficult requests will be similar. You won’t be able to say yes at all times, but you also should not sound mean and negative. In talking to customers, you have to understand how sincere apologies can make much sense while also focusing on what you plan to do about the report.

You have to be direct and not waste time and it shouldn’t be hard to admit if ever you find yourself in the wrong. You also should admit what you have no clue about as even though speedy communication is good, there is still the need to be accurate. In helping clients solve problems, you’ll need to focus on the end and not the means. Make them feel heard and let them know you’re advocating for their needs.

While you’ll want to win back customers with exceptional service, it will be bad to continue dragging things further in cases where all they want to do is just leave. It’s also important that you throw blame around, but you also should not condone outright abuse in case customers cross their lines. Just remember, no matter how hard you try, there are still people who will never be appeased.

Keeping Customers Delighted with the Little Extras

The little extras might seem so little, but sometimes, they can make the biggest difference. In using the extras to enhance customer experience, you’ll want to ask them questions to help you get to the root of what they’re trying to do.

Using emojis, GIFs, and even exclamation points are some of those extras that can make conversations assume a friendlier and more competent tone. You may also go the extra mile by fixing their problems, especially those that are not your fault. Picking on personal details can also help you build relationships as well. Things like these and others like sending them a handwritten thank you note in the real world can give the relationship a more human feel.

Customers continually yearn for support to have a more human approach. While speed and humanity are both qualities we’ll like all together. However, humanity, at no point should be sacrificed for the sake of speed or even closing a huge deal for that matter. To err is human, you know. The rest can always take care of themselves!

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

Learn more about improving your customer’s experience. Contact us today!


Why Your Business Needs to Focus on Customer Retention

Customer Retention

The fact is that, especially in established businesses, it is often best to focus on your efforts to retain customers. After all, what’s the point of investing time, energy, and resources in purchasing customers, only to waste the power of their relationship once you have them on board?

1. Customer Retention helps in immaculately positioning your business.

One of the great things about high customer retention rates is that you can create an unmistakable sense of who your customers are. On the other hand, this data is important for your customer retention efforts and provides you with tools to make customized and targeted promotions to increase your chances of success.

But, moreover, all of this will help you in your efforts to find it in the future; you will know exactly what kind of people are likely to be loyal customers – who they are, where they live, what motivates them to shop, and what kind of messages they respond best to.

Statistics show that 61% of consumers take their business to a competitor when they end a business relationship, which is why retention is critical to the success and growth of your company.

2. Customer Retention makes more “cents”.

Attracting new customers may be rewarding, but it also often involves a lot of hard work and expense. The good news is that the costs associated with a repeat business are, in general, much lower. 70% of companies say it’s cheaper to keep a customer than to get it, and some have suggested that the cost of buying a new customer can be seven times more expensive.

By identifying existing customers – with a keen interest in your product and a willingness to buy it – you give yourself a much stronger chance of making a sale. Studies have proven that 60 – 70% of existing customer conversions are only 5 – 20%.

Marketing for existing customers not only provides a clear reduction of your ads but also provides an opportunity to demonstrate your commitment to profitable loyalty – a positive product promotion.

Some simple examples of promotional promotions include things like loyalty programs and birthday offers. They do not take much effort, but they show the customer that you value their culture and can be an important tool in building strong, lasting, and rewarding relationships.

3. Customer Retention is faster.

Also, it is often much easier to sell to an existing customer than to sell a new one. This is because all the obstacles to shopping have already been overcome. Existing customers may need a little entreaty to increase your revenue share, and this will speed up your sales process.

After all, existing customers already know that you are a reliable company with profitable products or services. You have already given them good business experience before, and because of this, they are more likely to buy in the future and produce more business. By comparison, persuasion that can lead to customers sometimes requires a lot of time and effort, and in the end, it is very expensive.

Most importantly, it takes a lot of time and effort to convince to lead to customer transformation, and existing customers (should) take less to satisfy. The existing customers just want a fun and consistent feel. In short, they just want you to keep your promises. If you focus your efforts on amazing customer retention, then you will find yourself making quick sales with easily appreciated customers.

Advertisers tend to focus more on customer retention because loyalty and engagement are rarely seen as strong, but this does not mean that they are insignificant. Customer acquisition is important in the early stages of a start-up business, but once you have built a customer base, once you have one customer, retention should be in your mind. When you have a lot of customers, retention is very important. The key figures to keep in mind are that 80% of your company’s revenue will come from only 20% of your existing customers.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Benefits of Outsourced Customer Support in the Food Delivery Business

Food Delivery Customer Support

The food delivery industry has continued to grow in recent years and has become the new normal. Even as the restrictions are slowly easing up, many customers still use food delivery services as it offers easy and quick methods for them to enjoy delicious food from the comfort of their own homes.

The increasing demand for this service has resulted in the emergence of numerous food delivery apps and platforms. However, with high customer expectations, inquiries, and complaints many food businesses especially startups are having a hard time getting a toehold in an increasingly competitive market.

Top Customers’ Issues with Food Deliveries

In food delivery, there’s a lot that can go wrong. Many customers reported that they had an issue with their delivery and needed customer service. Some customer service challenges faced by the food delivery industry today are:

– Food Quality

– Late Delivery

– Incorrect Order

– Order never arrived

– Driver required assistance

To handle these issues professionally you need to make sure that your food delivery platforms and apps are backed up by professional customer support operations.

Why Your Business Needs an Outsourced Customer Support

Outsourcing offers businesses like food delivery a lot of advantages and integrating an outsourced customer support service is a practical approach in reinforcing your business with good client impression to give it a smooth running. Here are some of the important reasons why you should outsource your business customer support job:

Cost Reduction

The biggest reason to outsource your customer support service is the reduction of cost. When you outsource, you don’t need to provide infrastructure such as office space and gadgets, pay salaries, and conduct training sessions for your employees. The outsourced customer support company takes care of all these. You also save on software costs, which is provided by the company as it is among the key tools to facilitate the smooth running of their business. Since you can save cost, it means that you can divert your attention to other equally important business activities and device means to increase your profits.

Increased Business Productivity

Another great reason is that outsourcing your customer support job will help to increase your business productivity. Since these customer companies hire professionals to do their jobs and engage the clients, the overall efficiency of work and output is higher. Customer demands and needs increase and change with time and they always expect the best services. Outsourcing companies understand this and spend quality time and resources to remain updated about these changes so they remain as effective and efficient as ever to respond to your client in the best of manners and provide solutions to their queries.

24/7 Operation

Finally, the last reason we will talk about is the benefit of round-the-clock business operations. Since you can outsource to a company outside your time zone: you can get your customers attended to while you are closed for the day at your business location and wake up to deliver your service the next day.

For professional outsourced customer support service, contact us at One Contact Center and let us use our expertise to uplift your business.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for food delivery businesses to startups and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Importance of Customer Care Support to Healthcare Providers

Healthcare Customer Support

There are a lot of reasons for which you’ll need customer support even as a healthcare provider. Aside from the wide range of benefits that your business stands to gain, optimized support services can be very crucial to the growth and actualization of goals. There are different channels of communication available at your disposal. When properly exploited, these will help implement a better patient experience while also minimizing costs.

Just like business is taking a more competitive outlook today, healthcare providers also need to adopt patient-centric measures. Call center services as one measure, can be tailored to fit your business model and meet your patients’ expectations. This goes a long way since patient retention will be critical to growth. Customer support services can also come into play in appointment scheduling, as well as communications with medical professionals.

Customer support services can benefit healthcare service providers in a lot of ways. Some of this extensive range of benefits is discussed briefly below;

Better and More Effective Patient Care

Healthcare providers just like with other businesses need optimum customer satisfaction to maintain growth and success. Customer support services in the healthcare sector are aimed at improving customer experience and satisfaction. Customer service center personnel therefore need to be quite familiar with patients’ needs.

Having a team of skilled and experienced customer service personnel who can provide your clients with accurate information and details to better improve their well-being will be able to contribute significantly to patient’s care and needs.

Active Engagement and Notifications

Adopting a proactive healthy business model is a must in the modern day, but this is quite challenging for most healthcare providers. Despite the level of commitment as well as the technology available, physicians, as well as other healthcare providers do not always find it easy.

To better engage their clients in this case, healthcare providers can benefit from multi-channel customer support through calls, text messages, emails, and other support platforms. Patients which are the clients, in this case, can always be kept informed of every new development. Along with helping to reduce interrupted transactions, this will help boost customer loyalty which will also affect the bottom line.

Fee Payment and Collections

Call center services can be streamlined to aid fee collections in the healthcare sector. This will help to boost productivity within the finance or collections department. Payment can be automated by phone for easy use. This can be in the form of a normal sales process or a separate application solely dedicated to bill payments.

Balance Between Business Management and Efficient Customer Experience

It is always difficult to manage the business effectively along with a proactive customer support service in place. While healthcare professionals are not experts at handling the customer service front, this important service can be outsourced to professional customer support firms.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center helps healthcare providers and businesses of any size deliver happy experiences for their patients and clients with a range of customer support and outsourcing services.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Amazing Ways to Support Local Small Businesses

Support Local Businesses

If you agree that small businesses are the mainstay of any economy, then you’ll also agree that, right now, more than ever, there’s a great need to support the small businesses in your local neighborhoods. And if you’re wondering just how you can do this, this post will help you get started!

1. Buying from Local Businesses

There are many advantages to buying from local businesses.

Rather than purchase at big box stores or nationally owned businesses, you’ll be able to keep the money in your community. Local businesses tend to also purchase from other local businesses. This means you’ll maintain cash flow in your community while also growing your local tax base. Besides, these people know you and will appreciate your patronage more in these challenging times.

2. Writing Great Reviews for Your Favorite Businesses

We know it could be challenging to deliver an awesome customer experience during the pandemic. Here at One Contact Center, everything we do is aimed at helping our clients, some of whom include businesses in our community win with stellar customer experiences.

 So, we understand how customer reviews and testimonials could make a big difference. If you care about the businesses serving your local neighborhoods, you may take the step to leave positive reviews of your experience here to help others in your neighborhoods.

3. Shopping More Online

Many of your local businesses offer online shopping. This can be more convenient at a time like this. Not only will this help you and the people at your local businesses reduce exposure, but it can also help save you significant stress and money.

4. Ordering Takeouts and Delivery

The food, hospitality, and airline industries suffered a great deal from the coronavirus.

Many of these sectors are just recovering from the sudden hit so whatever support they get will go a long way. Local restaurant businesses in your area might be offering takeout and delivery services now that eating out has become some sort of risk. If this is available, why not treat yourself to sumptuous meals? Enjoy yourself and support your community in the process.

5. Purchasing Gift Cards for Later

Many businesses have been on temporary shutdowns to comply with government regulations to stem the pandemic. However many of these local businesses still need cash flow to offset certain recurrent expenses. If these businesses sell gift cards, you could use this opportunity to support them while setting up yourself for enjoyment at a later date. It could be date nights, spa treatments, lunch with friends, or just about any service on offer you could use.


For us at One Contact Center, the community is everything.

A brief look through our Corporate Citizenship page will help you get a clearer picture of just how dear we hold our community to heart. We’re in the business of creating positive experiences and we never miss a chance to spread the same positivity in our local neighborhoods. We implore you too to help support businesses in your community now that they need this help the most. By doing so, you’re also helping your neighborhood’s economic growth too.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center helps businesses of any size design and deliver happy experiences for their customers with a range of customer support and outsourcing services.

We can help your business grow to new heights. Contact us today to get started or find out more about how we can help!


Multichannel vs Omnichannel Contact Center

multichannel vs omnichannel

At One Contact Center, we take great pride in our reputation as one of the best omnichannel contact centers in the customer support sector. 

It is for this reason that we’ll be discussing today, the core difference between being an omnichannel or multichannel contact center as more people continue to mistake these terms for one another, even though they’re very different. 

Multichannel & Omnichannel Contact Center: What Are Key Differences

The differences are in the names!

Customers have vast expectations of how they prefer to communicate with their favorite brands and businesses. Most would rather communicate via the channels they use most often in their daily lives. For many, these options can range from phone calls to email, mobile apps, social media, or even web chats. 

Companies, on the other hand, have to meet these expectations. 

Over time, more companies have added more channels via which they render support for their customers and prospects. 

Through this, the major challenge has been to ensure that most of these channels are in sync and well linked to each other so clients don’t find it challenging to switch channels as may be convenient. While a multichannel contact center fails at this, switching channels with omnichannel contact centers is much easier and more convenient for customers.  

The Multichannel Contact Center

Multi simply means more than one.

So, in essence, a multichannel contact center supports its customers via multiple support channels. The channels could range from phone calls to SMS, social media, and more. However, each channel is usually handled separately by different teams. 

While customers get to communicate via their preferred channels, having to switch between channels during issue resolutions can be quite frustrating as they often have to start all over, having to repeat questions to multiple service reps. And according to SuperOffice, 89% of customers say this is one of their frustrations with customer support.

The Omnichannel Contact Center

In an omnichannel contact center, every support channel works in sync with each other.

The channels are unified across the board so there’s greater consistency when customers have to switch channels during issue resolutions. As we do here at OCC, omnichannel contact centers usually work with integrated systems that contain details of every customer’s interactions and activity history. These systems are connected to the backend where call center agents have access to a holistic overview of the entire customer’s journey.

Why Choose OCC Omnichannel Contact Center Services?

This might not mean much to you but it can greatly impact your business. 

Consistent quality of service is perhaps the biggest benefit here. Customer frustrations will be greatly reduced since they’ll hardly ever have to go back to point zero during issue resolutions. It may not seem obvious but there are statistics to back up how often customers switch between channels to access support services. 

OCC’s omnichannel contact center helps brands offer personalized and unified support services for highly positive customer experiences. You’ll want to rid the process of any frustrations since up to 74% of consumers will consider switching brands after a poor contact center service experience. With an omnichannel customer support strategy, you can rest assured that the customer experience is much less at risk of frustrations and negativities. 

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers outsourcing services,  call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


How to Turn Your Leads Into Customers: 7 Tips You Need to Know

Convert Your Leads into Customers

Consumers in every industry experience buying pain and buyers can be categorized into three classes based on these levels. Spendthrifts making about 15% of your consumers would spend more before hitting their pain level. A whopping 61% will be average spenders while the remaining 24% will be the Tightwads. The tightwads spend less on average before hitting their pain point.

3 Types of Buyers Exist, Understand Each Group

Which type of buyer is most difficult to convert?

 Of the three groups, the TIGHTWADS are the hardest to convert.

 Well, it makes sense to minimize the buying pain for this group and the others. By reframing value in a way that splits the payment into smaller increments, increasing value with bundling so consumers can pay in one fell swoop, and using the right choice of words, response rates among tightwads can be significantly increased.

1. Admitting Shortcomings to Highlight Strengths

If you’re wondering whether it would make sense to admit your faults to consumers, you can ultimately turn this into an opportunity to highlight your strengths. Blaming external/other forces for your shortcomings may make you appear helpless to your customers.

On the other hand, admitting honest errors and highlighting how you could do better will make you seem in control of the situation and not prone to making flimsy excuses.

2. Urgency Still Works, But Use it the Right Way.

 Urgency is one of the older tricks in the books, but it still works quite alright. However, it can only be effective when your prospects also get clear follow-up instructions on what actions they should take.

Don’t just invoke that sense of urgency, drive them to take specific actions they should take and not just dish out vague instructions.

3. Use Immediate Stimulation to Instantly Light Up their Minds.

 Customers feel instant gratification when they are rewarded after doing business with you.

 From research, we’ve come to understand the power of instant gratification and immediate stimulation in getting people to take action. Humans are wired this way and are more willing to take action when we feel our problems can be solved quickly.

When you can make consumers feel instant rewards, they will be more willing to purchase your product or services. Words like “instantly”, “fast”, and “new”, etc will easily light up the switch in most people. Just be sure to keep to your words.

4. Establishing a Rival to Define Your Audience

To carve out a loyal customer base, you’ll need to find you’re the true voice of your brand. How else would you be able to do this without identifying what you stand against?

To define and divide your ideal customers, you’ll need to identify those ideas, beliefs, and perceptions you stand against.

It did work wonders for Apple. The company took a stand against PCs that were deemed “boring and not quite cool computers”.

5. Standing for a Meaningful Cause or Ideal

 Have you seen how Zappos emphasizes its commitment to customer service all day long? Have you seen how TOMS would donate a pair of shoes for every pair they sell?

Both of these companies have created a brand that reflects their values and ideals. While they may like your products, your most loyal customers will be those who love what your brand stands for.

6. Playing the Devil’s Advocate to Reinforce Customer Loyalty

When people are confronted with someone who truly appears to oppose their position, they begin to try to understand their point of view.

You might have heard of how the Catholic Church would usually appoint a lawyer to dig out reasons against an individual to be canonized. Research from human behavior has shown that this can have the opposite positive effect.

Well, you can also play your own devil’s advocate. You can bring out peculiar objections and issues and then confront them with clear solutions. While this will dismiss your audience’s apprehension, it can also help reinforce their loyalty.

 Rather than hinder their decision-making, this can end up increasing their resolve.

7. Using Reciprocity & Surprise for Customer Retention

Surprise them with something — even something small will do.

Reciprocity is a powerful force in business and it is little wonder that lots of businesses are trying to utilize it to their advantage. On your own, you can stand out by adding an element of surprise to your strategy.

 Surprising them with something, even the smallest of gestures can have a profound effect on consumers when you try to show appreciation for their patronage through reciprocity.

About One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers outsourcing services,  call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


5 Powerful Ways to Thank the People in Your Network

Thanking Your Networkl

Your network can help bolster your connections, advance your career, and access more opportunities. If you’re wondering how to create or strengthen a culture of appreciation for your network, here are some creative ideas to help you get started!

  1. Say the words!

This is perhaps the easiest of our suggestions.

And if you’re wondering what in heaven’s name is creative about saying ‘thank you,’ it is because a lot of times, we never say the word at all. Don’t forget to say it whenever it’s applicable. You could say it in person or via phone or whatever medium. Just don’t forget to say it when the situation calls for it!

  1. Do it the old-school way with notes.

The Great Place To Work agency maintains the Fortune 100 Best Companies to Work For list. The agency ranks ‘thanking’ high among its key practice areas in its culture framework.

That goes to show you just how much different things like old-fashioned thank-you notes can make. There’s a special kind of appeal associated with handwritten notes. You just need to keep it basic, specific, brief, and give it a light touch of humor. It still works.

  1. Do something for them.

Words go a long way, but remember they say actions speak louder than words.

Sometimes, a little action can help you show you appreciate a particular person or gesture. It doesn’t have to be an overly tasking task. Could be something as simple as assisting them to research where they could find the best family-friendly restaurants in their neighborhoods. Do let them know you’re showing gratitude, so they know you appreciate whatever it is they’ve done for you.

  1. Give them thoughtful gifts.

First of all, not everyone likes to receive gifts.

However, those who do, like it when it’s a thoughtful gift that they could use. Thankfully, as much as 68% of people consider gift-giving as one of their love languages. Be sure you don’t give the wrong gifts, however. You don’t want to gift golf balls to someone uninterested in golfing. You want to give them a gift that lets them know you know them and not otherwise.

  1. Dish out more fist-bumps and high-fives.

Want to give someone a nod of approval? Give them the power five!

If someone just said something you consider apt and on point, give them a fist-bump. Attaboys won’t cost you a thing, but they can help you show appreciation and gratitude and solidify your connection with others. Only it may feel awkward if the other person is not familiar with the gesture.

Giving thanks is hugely underrated!

Aside from helping you strengthen relationships and connections, it also has lots of other personal benefits. Harvard Health says it can make you happier.

UC Berkeley says it will strengthen your immune system, make you more outgoing, and even give you more feelings of joy, pleasure, and optimism. You have a lot to gain and practically nothing to lose. Make it a habit to start thanking others today. Use the tips above. They are simple but powerful!


3 Kinds of Buyers and How to Convert them Into Customers

Customer Conversion

Consumers in every industry experience buying pain and buyers can be categorized into three classes based on these levels. Spendthrifts making about 15% of your consumers would spend more before hitting their pain level. A whopping 61% will be average spenders while the remaining 24% will be the Tightwads. The tightwads spend less on average before hitting their pain point.

Three (3) Types of Buyers Exist, Understand Each Group

Which type of buyer is most difficult to convert?

Of the three groups, the TIGHTWADS are the hardest to convert.

Well, it makes sense to minimize the buying pain for this group and the others. By reframing value in a way that splits the payment into smaller increments, increasing value with bundling so consumers can pay in one fell swoop, and using the right choice of words, response rates among tightwads can be significantly increased.

Admitting Shortcomings to Highlight Strengths

If you’re wondering whether it would make sense to admit your faults to consumers, you can ultimately turn this into an opportunity to highlight your strengths. Blaming external/other forces for your shortcomings may make you appear helpless to your customers.

On the other hand, admitting honest errors and highlighting how you could do better will make you seem in control of the situation and not prone to making flimsy excuses.

Urgency Still Works, But Use it the Right Way

Urgency is one of the older tricks in the books, but it still works quite alright. However, it can only be effective when your prospects also get clear follow-up instructions on what actions they should take.

Don’t just invoke that sense of urgency, drive them to take specific actions they should take and not just dish out vague instructions.

Use Immediate Stimulation to Instantly Light Up Their Minds

Customers feel instant gratification when they are rewarded after doing business with you.

From research, we’ve understood the power of instant gratification and immediate stimulation in getting people to act. Humans are wired this way and more willing to act when we feel our problems can be solved quickly.

When you can make consumers feel instant rewards, they will be more willing to purchase your product or services. Words like “instantly”, “fast”, and “new”, etc will easily light up the switch in most people. Just be sure to keep to your words.

Establishing a Rival to Define Your Audience

To carve out a loyal customer base, you’ll need to find you’re the true voice of your brand. How else would you be able to do this without identifying what you stand against?

To define and divide your ideal customers, you’ll need to identify those ideas, beliefs, and perceptions you stand against.

It did work wonders for Apple. The company took a stand against PCs that were deemed “boring and not quite cool computers”.

Standing for a Meaningful Cause or Ideal

Have you seen how Zappos emphasizes its commitment to customer service all day long? Have you seen how TOMS would donate a pair of shoes for every pair they sell?

Both of these companies have created a brand that reflects their values and ideals. While they may like your products, your most loyal customers will be those who love what your brand stands for.

Playing the Devil’s Advocate to Reinforce Customer Loyalty

When people are confronted with someone who truly appears to oppose their position, they begin to try to understand their point of view.

You might have heard of how the Catholic Church would usually appoint a lawyer to dig out reasons against an individual to be canonized. Research from human behavior has shown that this can have the opposite positive effect.

Well, you can also play your own devil’s advocate. You can bring out peculiar objections and issues and then confront them with clear solutions. While this will dismiss your audience’s apprehension, it can also help reinforce their loyalty.

Rather than hinder their decision-making, this can end up increasing their resolve.

Using Reciprocity & Surprise for Customer Retention

Surprise them with something — even something small will do.

Reciprocity is a powerful force in business and it is little wonder that lots of businesses are trying to utilize it to their advantage. On your own, you can stand out by adding an element of surprise to your strategy.

Surprising them with something, even the smallest of gestures can have a profound effect on consumers when you try to show appreciation for their patronage through reciprocity.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers outsourcing services,  call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Why Outsource Customer Support in the Philippines

Call Center Philippines

Companies or businesses that are fасеd wіth a very ѕtrоng есоnоmіс and соmреtіtіvе рrеѕѕurе are turning more and more to соmрlеtе оutѕоurсіng services. Why? It is because outsourcing helps business owners get the focus back on their core business and control costs at the same time.

BPO outsourcing has been around for more than twenty years, and although the Philippines was a little late to the party, the country has shown phenomenal growth in the industry. More and more businessmen from different parts of the globe are investing in this kind of outsourcing service as they find the Philippines ideal for all their outsourced telemarketing service needs.

With the popularity and increasing demands for outbound telemarketing services and inbound call center services in the country, the Philippines has become recognized as the leading destination for BPO services worldwide. With many talented and English-proficient professionals and top-of-the-line technology, as well as a supportive government offering robust support to investors outside the country, it’s no surprise that call centers in the Philippines are booming.

In addition, here are the other reasons why more and more businesses are encouraged to outsource to the Philippines and why your business should invest your BPO needs in the country:

1. Highly Skilled & Educated Workforce

The Philippines is known to have a 92% literacy rate and more or less 400,000 college graduates annually. With this fact, your business can truly have a team of high-caliber professionals that is well-educated and English proficient. They undergo extensive call center training to efficiently handle the demands of any of your accounts and to easily adapt depending on the needs of your business.

2. English & Other Language Proficiency

The Philippines has a culture and history rich in English and Spanish influences and English is the country’s official language. Many Filipinos, especially those graduates, have excellent English communication skills, both oral and written. And these skills defeat any hesitation about establishing constant and open communication.

3. Low Operating Costs and Other Benefits

If you are looking for excellent yet affordable offshore call center services, you should start contacting professional call centers in the Philippines. Having a government that is fully supportive of the industry, both local and foreign businesses can enjoy perks such as tax exemptions. When it comes to wages, it is 30-40% lower compared to the United States and Europe. When it comes to electricity, utilities and telecommunication, it is 50% lower. There are more savings that you can expect. You can indeed reduce your expenses and gain business savings through BPO in the Philippines.

4. Work Ethics and Values

In addition to its highly skilled and educated workforce, Filipinos also have impressive work values and ethics. They value their jobs and look forward to developing their skills to be more efficient.

While many companies initially look at BPO from other countries, the reasons above have made the Philippines the best choice for outsourcing. Nowadays, The Philippines continues to hold promising results. The demands continue to grow and the industry is predicted to grow by 40% in revenues per year as more countries are drawn to this country.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

As part of our service offerings, OCC clients bеnеfіt from thе fоllоwіng аdvаntаgеѕ:

  • Significant savings while mаіntаіnіng control оvеr thе strategic functions of the business and еntruѕtіng OCC wіth full responsibility fоr thе dеlіvеrу of telecommunications ѕеrvісеѕ;
  • Prеdісtаbіlіtу, trаnѕраrеnсу аnd соѕt соntrоl;
  • Sеrvісе levels thаt аlіgn wіth buѕіnеѕѕ nееdѕ;
  • Uѕе оf the іnduѕtrу’ѕ best processes, рrіnсірlеѕ of gоvеrnаnсе, рrасtісеѕ and tооlѕ tо іmрrоvе ѕеrvісе dеlіvеrу, time-to-market аnd рrоduсtіvіtу;
  • Vаluе-bаѕеd glоbаl ѕеrvісе dеlіvеrу tо рrоvіdе аn optimal pricing ѕtruсturе thаt gеnеrаtеѕ recurring cost savings while leveraging рrоxіmіtу in delivering ѕеrvісеѕ fоr асtіvіtіеѕ thаt require it;
  • Aссеѕѕ tо professional rеѕоurсеѕ аnd ѕkіllѕ that еnhаnсе ореrаtіng environments.
  • As a full-service telemarketing company, OCC provides complete business solutions as we have the knоwlеdgе оf the сlіеnt’ѕ есоnоmіс sector and ассеѕѕ to a pool оf expertise ѕресіfіс tо thе сlіеnt’ѕ tесhnоlоgіеѕ and business аrеаѕ.

One Contact Center offers outsourced call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Diversity and Inclusion: Building a Strong Workplace Culture

Diversity and Inclusions

The best companies continually strive to create a diverse and inclusive workplace where people from all walks of life feel at ease. As it turns out, creating HR and recruiting teams has a pivotal role to play in ensuring D&I cuts through every aspect of the organization.

Why is this necessary? Well, data from reliable sources suggest that;

— As much as 67% of job seekers prioritize workplace diversity as a key factor.

— About 50% of current employees would like to see their employers do more on diversity.

— Higher female representation in C-suite level positions may generate up to 34% more returns for shareholders, according to research by Fast Company.

— Organizations with higher-than-average diversity may report up to 19% higher innovation revenues, according to Harvard Business Review.

Above all, isn’t it the right thing to create a workplace that promotes fairness, equity, and respect for people of all races, gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, gender, language, etc? If it is, then how do HR and recruiting professionals play into the mix? Here’s what we know;

1. Start with creating a diverse recruiting team.

Promoting diverse hiring is a key thing for businesses that want to create a diverse and inclusive workplace. We, however, recommend that this starts with creating a diverse recruiting team. This will help put forth a positive image for prospective candidates so they can rest assured that the recruiter, and in essence, the company, is committed to diverse hiring and ultimately, creating a diverse and inclusive workplace.

2. Recognize and remove existing biases.

There will always be existing prejudices on the part of the recruiters, whether we agree or not. To ensure this does not become a problem, such biases must be recognized to pave the way for removal. Recruiters should conduct a thorough mindset evaluation to effectively remove biases and prejudices that may get in the way of a diverse and fair hiring process.

3. Consider diverse recruiting sources.

Recruiters have to reach out to diverse candidates as this must be the case throughout the hiring process. For companies that want to access a diverse pool of candidates, the internet and social media platforms like LinkedIn, for example, provide a solution. This also fits in perfectly well in the COVID-19 era where most parts of the hiring processes are increasingly becoming virtual. This can also help small businesses, especially those with limited budgets to reach diverse candidates for the right skills and talents.

4. Standardize the hiring process.

The hiring process should be standardized to avoid prejudices that may trigger conscious or unconscious biases in the hiring process. For example, several recruiting teams have tried strategies such as removing names, gender, and even the name of a candidate’s college or institution of learning, to avoid different forms of biases that could impact hiring decisions knowingly or unknowingly.

How OCC Fosters Diversity and Inclusion 

Diversity and Inclusions

One Contact Center has always promoted diversity and inclusion within its workplaces since forever. The agency has implemented diverse strategies to keep up with its D&I goals.

Diversity and inclusion are more than just a policy or another buzzword for the folks at One Contact Center. The contact center/BPO agency has D&I well ingrained into the company’s culture and DNA. Here are three ways One Contact Center is actively working to promote cultural competencies within its work environments;

Treating All Employees Fairly as Individuals

Ensuring D&I means giving everyone their fair share of opportunity regardless of their cultural, ethnic, gender, sexual, religious, and diverse backgrounds. One Contact Center is acting on the knowledge of all these to ensure fairness and respect in the treatment of every employee in its contact centers as a real and unique individual.

Promoting Cultural Competencies within the Workplace

One Contact Center is working tirelessly to help employees improve intercultural competence; and gain a conscious knowledge of their own social identities, which in turn informs their view of the world and other people. This helps employees interact better with each other as they can form more meaningful relationships that often extend further than the four walls of the contact center facilities.

Revamping HR and Recruiting to Drive Diversity and Inclusion Across Every Level of the Organization

Finally, it’s important to understand just how important the HR team can be in ensuring any organization meets its diversity and inclusion goals. For One Contact Center, four things are very important about this;

Assembling a Diverse Recruiting Team

Identifying and removing conscious and unconscious biases that may exist within hiring processes.

Recruiting contact center agents and other employees from very diverse sources, and;

Standardizing the entire hiring process to ensure the company can successfully attract and engage the best talents across different backgrounds.


There are a million and one reasons why your workplace should strive for more diversity and inclusion. Inclusion, on the other hand, is more than just numbers. It’s more about creating a culture of belonging and making sure that employees know their voices and concerns are heard. So far, this approach to D&I has been successful for One Contact Center. More importantly, the organization recognizes that this is not just a one-time thing. Ensuring diversity, inclusion, and equity should be a continuous process and OCC rightly treats it so.


Outsourcing Your Customer Care and Back Office Support

Back Office Support

Most of the services that are being outsourced nowadays have to do with customer experience. Despite some doubt that it should be done, customer care and support services can be outsourced easily, considering the large number of call centers that are available nowadays. Some people think such a service should not be outsourced but should be done by the company. Some others think it is unethical to hire outsiders to cater to the needs of the company.

However, most people think outsourcing this type of service is a great idea, and that it is good to use the global talent that is available out there. Most companies ensure these agents undergo all the necessary training to serve customers the way they are supposed to. Although there are difficulties in the earlier outsourced companies,  the advancement in communication, technology, and knowledge of these problems have helped in providing the right service for customers. The representatives are also trained rigorously to be able to address and attend to the different complaints and questions of the customers without fail. With the inception of the outsourced customer service, things have been better.

Some people criticize the money aspect, noting that it is only the money as well as reduced costs that fuel such decisions. They do not remember that improved services and other policies introduced are used to improve customer satisfaction. Also, when a company outsources it saves a lot of money which can be directed towards greater improvement and services in the company. As we speak, several improvements are being made and many more are expected, and they are all aimed at satisfying the customers.

Outsourcing providers offer several customer services that help to reduce the tasks of business owners to concentrate on their major objectives, such tasks include:

Live Chat Support: It is crucial to maintain direct communication with customers to boost business and convert shoppers. Your clients will look elsewhere if you do not offer support because you might not be able to attend to them.

Email Support: Several people prefer this method of communication because everyone does not have time to make phone calls and wait in line. Most people prefer to communicate with the aid of e-mail.

Virtual Assistant Service: The outsourcing company can also be in your in-house support department and help with tasks such as data entry solutions, calendar management, back office support, and other virtual assistant duties. This will help to create an efficient workflow thereby improving the efficiency of the business.

Back office support likewise has a lot of importance when it comes to handling time-consuming work processes. When you delegate your office activities to a professional outsourcing company, you will be able to minimize costs and have more time to focus on the major business activities.

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers call center support, back office, virtual assistance, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

In One Contact Center, support services are effectively carried out by our experienced professionals. By outsourcing back-office jobs, you will be able to save a lot of money that might have been used in employing additional staff.

 Major back-office support services include;

  •  Data Entry
  •  Document Conversion
  •  Position Staffing

Data Entry – One Contact Center has proficient and resourceful data entry operators that can handle all your offline data entry activities perfectly. Various business form processing, legal form processing, and medical form processing are efficiently carried out.

Document Conversion – To support proper documentation in a business office, document conversion services are being offered. Qualified document specialists, QA analysts, and software programmers and analysts help to convert documents from one form to another with the accuracy you desire.

Position Staffing – By helping businesses manage their daily human resource requirements efficiently, OCC offers admirable staffing solutions, this helps them reduce the risk factors which are associated with staffing and also reduce recruitment expenses.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Why 24/7 Customer Support is Important for Your Business Success?

24/7 Customer Service

Not all problems occur between business hours. Even though your business can’t run around the clock, this doesn’t mean your customer support can’t.

24/7 customer support service is the best solution for the growing needs of any business. It guarantees a professional approach to answering questions about your business.

24/7 customer support includes telephone, email, and chat support. Outsourcing your customer support helps increase the conversion rate of your business and build your business to support its customers, without having to spend a lot of time organizing new employees.

Below, you will find good reasons to outsource your customer support service. 

You get round-the-clock support.

It is almost impossible for companies to work for 24 hours a day. This is further complicated when referring to all online and offline resources. Outsourcing customer service to the right company will make it possible for your company to be able to run 24 hours nonstop.

Normally, if you have a business, some people call your customers 24/7, even when the door is closed for the day. So when you are closed for the day, you will miss those calls, but when you outsource your customer support service to a reliable company, you should be assured that all calls will be attended to.

It is cost-efficient. 

Organizations that manage their customer support service often face higher costs. Outsourcing converts fixed costs into variable costs and allows you to budget effectively. There is no need to invest in training employees or buy expensive technology. Outsource your customer service to a trusted provider, and save on capital expenditures, time, and effort. For a competitive company, 24/7 customer support is one of the most efficient tools to serve your customers.

It frees your time to focus on important matters.

Businesses that outsource their customer support to customer support service providers have a lot of time to focus on the core competencies of their business. If you have been worried about how to tackle your business’ customer support, outsourcing may be the perfect solution you need, and free yourself of much stress.

It increases your business’ efficiency and competitiveness.

Outsourcing your customer service ensures that your customers get the help they need when they need it. This will make them happier and have less stress. 24/7 customer support providers also can absorb a dramatic change in demand.

You receive expert services.

24/7 customer support providers are dedicated to providing the best possible customer service for your business, which means they are experts in their services. However, you’re not trained like them. You can give them your instructions and receive exactly what you want.

What’s Next?

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers 24/7 back office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you produce better income.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


8 Facts Your Customers Wish You Knew About Them

Customer Care

Understanding your customers will help you tailor your service to meet their growing expectations. While there’s no general blueprint for understanding customer behavior and expectations. Researchers in the field of social psychology have proved very helpful in this regard. Check out some of the revelations that have been uncovered with these studies. 

They value personalized services more.

Customers love being appreciated and valued and personalizing your services is a great way to get them to feel valued. This is especially great for small businesses that can easily get to know their customers. A study has revealed that your customers are more likely to remember you if you remember their name.

For them, good service is better than fast service.

Nobody loves waiting till eternity to get their problems resolved but more customers prioritize the value of a good service over speedy and rushed services. 

Studies have shown that customers are still more likely to pardon slow service than they would for rushed, rude, and seemingly incompetent service.

They love pleasant surprises.

The best things happen unexpectedly. If you want to delight your customers, only a few things are as effective as giving them pleasant surprises they didn’t expect. Going the extra mile works and it’s most effective when unexpected.

Customer goodwill doesn’t have to be expensive.

It’s always great to show random acts of kindness and appreciation to clients, but this does not have to cost your small business an arm and leg. The most effective strategies are often attributed to the act and not the cost.

They relate better to brand stories.

Sales copies are still very effective but brand stories such as case studies are some of the most effective writings that can spur prospects into action. This is perhaps because of the potential of stories being able to transport our minds into the stories so we can relate to them.

They are your biggest source of inspiration.

You should view your customers as the core part of the solution rather than as the problem you’re trying to deal with. They are a great source of innovation and ideas that can have meaningful and lasting business impacts. 

They prioritize time/memories over money. 

Any company can offer cheap and inexpensive products and services. Customers, however, prefer the feeling of their time being well-spent rather than about how much money they can save. 

Bottom Line

Excellent customer service will greatly boost your business in different aspects from client retention to lead generation, and customer acquisition, as well as business revenue and the bottom line. On the other hand, you can’t get away with delivering poor services; your customers will hate this but your competitors won’t think twice to take advantage of this. 

Up here are the most important things your customers would like you to know. And as it turns out, factoring these into your service delivery and business strategies will prove very beneficial for your business success.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Customer Service Communication Mistakes to Avoid to Guarantee Positive Customer Experiences

Customer Communication

Difficult customers and dramas come with the job when you’re a call center agent. It is your responsibility to manage these moments and conversations to get the best possible outcomes.

One of the most important things in situations like these is to avoid using the wrong words. On this note, we highlight five communication blunders call center agents must avoid to guarantee positive customer experiences and interactions, on most occasions;

1. Getting Off on the Wrong Foot

Like any interaction, the first impression matters when taking calls from customers whether they’re making an inquiry or when they’re aggrieved. If possible, one of your first three words should be the caller’s name. Not only will this help you get their attention, but it will also help keep the conversation going on the right foot.

2. Bad Listening/Poor Questions

Two ears and one mouth —that’s what you’ve got.

The best call center agents should possess excellent listening skills. Doing this, however, requires making a conscious decision to listen to the other person. By listening attentively, it’s always easier to figure out relevant and important questions to ask. Not only will this help keep the convo moving forward, but it will also make the complainant feel heard and understood.

3.  Careless Choice of Words

Choosing your words carefully is important for any call center agent. For aggrieved customers, your words should heal, rather than hurt. And for those making inquiries, the conversation should be as informative as possible.

Customers will take this as a reflection of the agent’s attitude and personality, and it can also impact their perception of the company’s culture and service. Call center interactions are a critical aspect of the customer experience. The words used during these interactions must be carefully chosen to have the desired positive effect.

4.  Not Focusing on the Caller

Forward-thinking businesses understand just how customer focus is important for success. This attitude and approach should dictate everything from call center service to every organizational decision-making process.

Call center agents should always focus the conversation on the other person (customers on the phone). For example, to analyze the importance or benefit of a particular service or action, agents should highlight the particular feeling being received.

5.  Wrong Tone of Voice

There’s a common saying that 10% of conflict is due to a difference in opinion while the other 90% is due to the wrong tone of voice. Speaking in the right tones can help convey empathy during conversations.

The pitch of one’s voice as well as the volume and rate, among other things, can help express feelings through statements. This is why knowing what to say is not just an important thing because how you say it also matters.

The impacts of call center services on customer experience cannot be overstated.

And as it turns out, the words we use as call center professionals could be a turn-on or turn-off, as the case may be. While no agent will intentionally try to ruin the experience for their customers, a lot of problems can be avoided when you know what to avoid, in the first place.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses startups and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Customer Appreciation Ideas: 10 Ways to Thank Your Customers

Customer Appreciation Ideas

If you’re in the customer service business which I believe everyone is in, you probably wouldn’t miss the best opportunities to show gratitude to the customers who are the lifeblood of your business. If you’re looking for quirky and memorable ways to do this, this blog post will show you 10 amazing ways to appreciate your customers beyond ‘Thank You’.

1. Notes Still Work

This old-school method has been proven time and again to have great impacts when it comes to showing appreciation. People like receiving real mails and your effort will most likely be appreciated. You should, however, try to make it as personal and specific as possible.

2. Going the Extra Length

We’ve heard of beautiful customer service stories told by customers who have been wowed or delighted by a customer service experience that was way out of the ordinary. You can try this too. If you’re lucky, such customers, their friends, acquaintances, or social media may help tell your story.

3. Help Customers Learn New Things

A great way to make your customers feel grateful to you is to help them learn new things. One ingenious way to do this can be by organizing events related to how they can maximize your products or services or even using the blog sections of your website to provide valuable and educative resources.

4. Starting a Loyalty Program

If you want your customers to feel special and valued, try starting a loyalty program for the most loyal of them. These can be simple VIP rewards programs that may involve giving these customers a discount on special occasions.

5. Spending Time with Your Customer

This is most suitable for remote online businesses that hardly get to meet their clients physically. You can organize meetups occasionally for lucky customers to meet and interact with team members. This can boost loyalty greatly.

6. Putting Customers in the Spotlight

You can call out your customers on Twitter or other social media platforms. You can also feature them on your business website. You have to be sincere however so they can have a true sense of pride and value in dealing with your business.

7. Charitable Gifts Can Have Great Impacts Too

You can easily select some of your most valued customers to make a charitable donation in their name. You may even choose a more creative and memorable way to do this. Your customers will appreciate it!

8. Distribute Goodies or Do a Giveaway

Buttons, flowers, coffee, or other goodies will be appreciated by many customers. This makes sense most when you have an actual business location.

9. Organize In-store Events

You can organize in-store events after business hours and invite some of your most loyal customers. Most people usually appreciate being invited to an invitation-only event. If you’re able to make significant money from the event, you can take things further by donating a part of this to charity.

10. Make Customer Service the Best It Can Be

You don’t need any prophet to tell you the importance of excellent customer service in showing your customers how much you value them and how far you can go to have their issues and problems resolved. However, it’s always important to keep excelling at this.

It’s important to always show appreciation and gratitude to your customers at every available opportunity. This makes sense since they are the core of your business. The customer service team should also not be forgotten in the aftermath. They also have to be appreciated and kept happy. This will also impact their relationships, interactions, and services to customers.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


OCC Tips: Simple Yet Powerful  Customer Retention Strategies that Work

Customer Retention

Your clients have to like what you do. They have to feel good about how they feel they are being treated. This is critical to customer experience. How then can you leverage exceptional customer experience to keep your clients coming back? Below are a few things you may consider doing;

Your word is your bond. 

It’s always better to commit to your promises.

Meeting deadlines and delivering on your word should be a priority for every organization. This will go a long way to influencing how your customers perceive you to be regarding honesty and reliability. The best thing is to only make promises you can keep. It would be best if you did not promise heaven on earth only to under-deliver on your promise. Your word should be your bond if you want the best service experience for your clients. This experience will be vital to decide whether they continue to do business with you or not.

Know what’s involved before committing.

You should always ensure clarity with customers before the money is involved. Don’t try to act all too expertly by throwing around jargon without clarifying critical areas of the project to the client. Clients have to be sure of what they expect so they don’t get disappointed at the end of the project.

Define your boundaries.

Customer service doesn’t have to be 24/7, especially for small businesses.

It doesn’t hurt to let clients understand when you can and cannot be available. You have to be clear about this so your clients can respect this boundary. Rather than burden yourself to fail at some point, this will help you maintain customer experience consistency and efficiency.

Take responsibility for your mistakes.

You should always take responsibility for your shortcomings rather than go silent when you’ve made a mistake. Own up to your mistakes and discuss how you’d resolve whatever it is with the client.

Not one person is immune to mistakes. You should remember that you’re a human being, just as the client is, too.

Don’t promise the world.

It makes sense that you want to outdo the competition.

But it would hurt your brand and business to promise the world and not deliver on your word. You should only commit to things within your control so you never fail to meet customer expectations. While it may seem somehow to only promise what you can deliver, you’ll find out that this guarantees the highest levels of customer appreciation.

Bottom Line

These things would help you improve your customer experience for client retention.

This is important when you consider how expensive it tends to be for most businesses to acquire new customers. Selling to loyal customers, however, is much easier and less costly, as well.

If you care about client retention, excellent customer experience should be a key priority for your business. One Contact Center can help you revolutionize your customer experience with less effort and costs for you.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Key Difference Between Multichannel & Omnichannel Contact Center

Multi and Omnichannel

At One Contact Center, we take great pride in our reputation as one of the best omnichannel contact centers in the customer support sector. 

It is for this reason that we’ll be discussing today, the core difference between being an omnichannel or multichannel contact center as more people continue to mistake these terms for one another, even though they’re very different. 

Multichannel vs Omnichannel Contact Center

The differences are in the names!

Customers have vast expectations of how they prefer to communicate with their favorite brands and businesses. Most would rather communicate via the channels they use most often daily. For many, these options can range from phone calls to email, mobile apps, social media, or even web chats. 

Companies, on the other hand, have to meet these expectations. 

Over time, more companies have added more channels via which they render support for their customers and prospects. 

Through this, the major challenge has been to ensure that most of these channels are in sync and well linked to each other so clients don’t find it challenging to switch channels as may be convenient. While a multichannel contact center fails at this, switching channels with omnichannel contact centers is much easier and more convenient for customers.  

The Multichannel Contact Center

Multi means more than one.

So, in essence, a multichannel contact center supports its customers via multiple support channels. The channels could range from phone calls to SMS, social media, and more. However, each channel is usually handled separately by different teams. 

While customers get to communicate via their preferred channels, having to switch between channels during issue resolutions can be quite frustrating as they often have to start all over, having to repeat questions to multiple service reps. And according to SuperOffice, 89% of customers say this is one of their frustrations with customer support.

The Omnichannel Contact Center

In an omnichannel contact center, every support channel works in sync with each other.

The channels are unified across the board so there’s greater consistency when customers have to switch channels during issue resolutions. As we do here at OCC, omnichannel contact centers usually work with integrated systems that contain details of every customer’s interactions and activity history. These systems are connected to the backend where call center agents have access to a holistic overview of the entire customer’s journey.

Why Choose OCC Omnichannel Contact Center Services?

This might not mean much to you but it can greatly impact your business. 

Consistent quality of service is perhaps the biggest benefit here. Customer frustrations will be greatly reduced since they’ll hardly ever have to go back to point zero during issue resolutions. It may not seem obvious but there are statistics to back up how often customers switch between channels to access support services. 

OCC omnichannel contact center helps brands offer personalized and unified support services for highly positive customer experiences. You’ll want to rid the process of any frustrations since up to 74% of consumers will consider switching brands after a poor contact center service experience. With an omnichannel customer support strategy, you can rest assured that the customer experience is much less at risk of frustrations and negativities. 

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Improve Your Customers’ Communication with These 7 Catchphrases

Knowing what to say when you have to say it can be nice especially when you’re customer support personnel interacting with a customer.

Not only will this enhance your replies but it will also bring consistency into your job and make it seem a whole lot easier. Below, we discuss some of these catchphrases that should be at your fingertips so you can deploy them right when the need arises.

1. I’ll be happy to help. 

As a customer support personnel, I always end my messages with something like ‘Do let me know if there is any lingering concern, I’ll be more than happy to help.’

Somehow, I found this to be very good in the sense that it either ends the interaction after the customer has been satisfied or gives room for any more help the client may need.

2. As much as I’d like to help…

Truth is there will be those times when customers would either make unrealistic demands or one you may not be able to help with at the moment. You’ll need to turn down those rejections but that should even be done very nicely.

‘As much as I’d like to help, your request is beyond what we can handle at the moment is far better than ‘NO! We can’t handle that request.’

3. Nice to meet you!

Catchphrases such as ‘Nice to meet you.’ and ‘Great to meet you.’ may seem very short and simple but they wield a lot of power. Friendly tones of voice like these will go a long way in helping engage customers better.

4. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

Not many people will detail their experience with a bug while using your system.

So, when you find someone who does, you have to appreciate them. Thanks for bringing this to our attention or thanks for the heads up will go a long way to show you appreciate their effort and time in calling your attention to these important issues.

5. I totally understand why you’d want that…

This is more like the last phrase we just discussed. This can be of great help when a customer has made a demand that cannot be met at the moment. Phrases like these are a less stinging way of saying no.

6. I’ve passed this across to our team.

Today’s customers want to be heard and in charge. It makes much sense to allow them.

Even when their demands are beyond what could be met at the moment, just reassuring them that their opinion counts and that they are being listened to can make so much difference. Let them that even though their demands may not be met right now, their message has been sent to those in authority for consideration.

7. Thank you for choosing us!

‘Thank you for banking with us’, ‘Thank you for choosing ………..’, those words never get outdated.

Customer support professionals are in a good position to appreciate customers for choosing the company. This may seem all too simple but it thus helps to foster the business-customer relationship.

These words are not magical but they’ll no doubt improve your communication and interaction with customers. They’ll help you convey your words in a consistently delightful manner in a way that will help your customer support efforts yield better results.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

ONE Contact Center offers 24/7 customer support services to companies as well as to small businesses. We have a team of professional agents that is already trained for this task. Learn more about improving your customer’s experience. Contact us today!


Important Customer Service Skills that You Should Exhibit

Customer Service Skills

What skills should leaders look out for when hiring employees for customer service roles? Well, the good thing about skills is that they are easily observable and can be honed and developed.

 In this guide, we discuss the most important skills that customer service professionals should exhibit to achieve success with their duties and responsibilities.

Knowledge of the Product/Service

 Without a deep knowledge of how the product or service works, it will be quite difficult to help customers with their challenges with such a product or service.

You must be willing to get to know the product or service much like the customer who uses the product regularly.


Patience is an important virtue.

Too many times, customers reach out to support teams, often confused and frustrated. Listening to these clients as they pour out their frustrations requires a great deal of patience.

Take your time to understand the customer’s challenges to effectively solve their problems.

Time Management

While recognizing patience as a virtue, it’s still very important as well to have good time management skills. It doesn’t help when you’re trying to go above and beyond with a customer in an area where you may not be able to help.

It pays to get the customer over to someone else who can help them.


Being able to listen to customers requires both patience and attentiveness. Along with having the patience to listen, you should be focused and attentive to fully understand the customer’s experience.

Clarity of Communication

 Customer service professionals should be able to communicate clearly.

You must be able to convey your messages enough for customers to understand without creating confusion or misunderstanding.


 There are times when support professionals may get messages from prospective clients contemplating buying the product or service on offer. Your persuasion skills should be top-notch in cases like this to convert prospects into customers.


 The most memorable customer service stories are usually about those who have gone out of their way to help customers achieve what needs to be achieved.

You have to be tenacious and ever-ready to help customers overcome their challenges.


Customer service professionals should only speak in positive and persuasive tones rather than being negative and discouraging. It’s important to understand that conversational patterns can affect a customer’s experience and perception of service.


Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person.

Even in cases where you may not be able to help the customer, showing that you care and understand may go a long way in helping the customer take something positive out of the interaction.


10 Advantages of Outsourcing Customer Support

Call Center Outsourcing

Business is growing and customers are unlimited. The telecommunications system has made the world small, information is at your fingertips, and customers on the other side of the world are just a phone call away. The market is expanding and opportunities keep on knocking.  While telemarketing provides a solution to these challenges, will outsourcing telemarketing requirements provide an advantage to the business? 

Here are some of the many advantages your business can get when you outsource all your call center needs:

1. Cost-Effective Services

It is a known fact that call center services from low-cost destinations like the Philippines, India, and South Africa are very in demand. This is because the services they provide are not only efficient but also cost-effective.

In addition, outsourcing your call center needs is a more cost-effective solution than hiring and maintaining an entire call center workforce in-house. You don’t have to spend money on IT equipment, call center software, servers, and telephony since external service providers would provide these all. It also saves you from incurring the maintenance costs. So if anything needs a repair, it would be dealt with by the call center company you hired.

2. Highly Skilled Workforce

Businesses can use a team of highly skilled call center representatives and agents from a professional call center company. These agents must undergo training to be hired as a call center agent. They are expected to be well-informed about the culture of their audience, efficient in answering calls, and competent in the details of your product, the system, and the process of how your company works.

3. More Choices In Terms Of Labor

Outsourcing means that your business can even reach out to labor in other low-cost countries than what is available locally. Many call centers for American businesses are located in the Philippines for this very reason.

4. Decrease Call Abandonment

When you contract out your overflow calls to an outsourcing company, you can decrease your call abandonment. You can expect that every call will be answered in a timely fashion and your clients and customers will love this expedited service.

5. Increased Service Levels & Efficiency Across the Board

If you want to improve your service level, then outsourcing your call center workforce may be a great solution. When call volume increases, you can always outsource the overflow calls to contracted can center agents. This will decrease wait time and increase service level.

An experienced outsourced call center service firm is responsible and accountable to you. The company will make sure to hit predetermined call metrics such as average call times, first-time resolution, time on hold, and many others. An expert provider will leave no stone unturned when it comes to how efficiently calls are answered and how quickly customer issues or concerns are solved.

6. Save on Equipment

Telemarketing equipment is very expensive and would eat up a significant part of one’s investment. You would need telephone lines, computers and peripherals, space, fixtures, and more. And if these things lie idle during lean months, capital investment would also sleep.  Outsourcing telemarketing requirements does away with the need for equipment. The money saved by not having to purchase equipment can be invested in equally important business initiatives.

7. Less Administration Work

Outsourcing means no tedious hiring of telemarketers and other personnel, no training needed, minimum supervision, and easier management. When a company enters into a contract with an outsourcing company, the outsourcing company takes care of fielding telemarketers and support staff who are already trained. The role of the contracting company becomes limited, thus less headache and less stress.

8. Lower Manpower Expenses

Many outsourcing companies are based in different countries where the salary standard is lower than the contracting company’s minimum wage requirements. Their salary may be lower but their telemarketing skills are impressive. Also, because telemarketing has been outsourced, there is no need for additional support staff like the technical team and supervisors. This also means savings on manpower expenses.

9. Professional Handling

Outsourcing companies have years of experience in the industry and have professional telemarketers, technical support staff, and highly efficient team leaders.  These staff members have been trained and are continuously engaged in training activities to better improve their capacities. They are also familiar with the laws and regulations concerning telemarketing.

10. Hire Only When Need Arises

Let’s face it business can fluctuate, or be seasonal, hiring telemarketers on a short-term basis is a great way to have the staff when it’s needed the most. Minimizing staff members during lean months and maximizing telemarketers during peak seasons is a great advantage of outsourced telemarketing.

If you are interested in saving your valuable time and productive resources, enhancing your business customer service, increasing efficiency, and reducing risk without sacrificing your bottom line, then outsourcing your call center services is the best bet.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers AI services, back office support, virtual assistance, call center support, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. Our services can incredibly diminish your workload and help you in producing better income.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


OCC Tips: How Do You Deliver Fast Customer Service?

Email is no doubt a life-saver in customer service especially when time is of great essence.

But what do you do when everything seems crazy and you have too much to do right away? Here are some tips that will help you deliver effective customer service even when time may not be in your favor

.Invest in self-service

You have to give customers the power to solve their problems because they want to. Focus on providing on-demand self-service support such as a robust knowledge base so they can solve some of their most common problems without having to join or lengthen the queue.

Under-promise but over-deliver

Auto replies are great. But when you send auto-replies that you’ll respond to their queries or requests within 24 hours, you should make a follow-up and respond within about three hours. Customers like it when you do this!

Be proactive and anticipatory with service delivery

You don’t have to wait until you’re asked, saved replies, tagging, triage, and other tools will help you sort out things easily. Personalized notifications can also help you intercept conversations.

You should always know that problems are inevitable and you should always look forward to them. Rather than waste your time apologizing to frustrated customers, get right into action and apologize later!

Urgency and importance are two different things

Don’t be cajoled by that customer who has sent all his messages in upper caps or even putting ‘urgent’ somewhere in between. Understand one thing, what is urgent is seldom important and what is important is seldom urgent. Put in place some processes to determine urgency so you don’t put courteous customers at the mercy of ‘loud’ ones.Be empathetic

You may not always be able to solve all problems; you should, however, be empathetic in all cases. Sometimes, just making customers feel heard and treating them with respect can make so much difference.

Along with timeliness and professionalism, empathy and compassion should always be somewhere in between.

You may hold the phone

A phone call helps you build rapport with customers, no doubt. The problem with the phone, however, is with time. An individual may take so much time chatting on the phone, taking up much time that may have been used to attend to other urgent queries.

While phones are the best for building rapport, holding them up for emails may be more efficient in certain scenarios. Be present at the right time

24/7 services are excellent but when this is not feasible, you have to maximize your presence.

There’s no point in staying up all the time your customers are all in bed. Depending on your situation, you should find a balance so you’re always there during the most important times.

If you can put in your best these times, you can then supplement your efforts with self-service that’s still available for the most common issues even when you’re absent.

Bottom Line

Your clients and customers deserve nothing short of courteous, kind, speedy, and practical responses and solutions to their problems. If you’re able to streamline your processes while paying attention to patterns, you’ll be able to speed up effective deliveries and empathy even with phone and 24/7 availability already out of the picture.

Training and Development: Key to Success in the BPO Sector

Training and Development

The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) sector is a rapidly growing industry that involves contracting the operations and responsibilities of a specific business process to a third-party service provider. With the increasing demand for high-quality services in this competitive market, training and development has become crucial for BPO companies to stay ahead of the curve. In this article, we will discuss the importance of training and development in the BPO sector and how it can contribute to the success of the industry.

Training Programs in the BPO Sector

One of the key factors that contribute to the success of BPO companies is their training programs. Training sessions can cover various topics, including communication skills, customer service techniques, technical skills, and industry-specific knowledge. By investing in comprehensive training programs, BPO companies can ensure that their employees are well-prepared to meet the demands of their clients and deliver exceptional service.

The Importance of Continuous Learning

In the fast-paced world of BPO, continuous learning is essential for employees to keep up with the constantly evolving industry trends and technologies. BPO companies should provide opportunities for employees to participate in workshops, seminars, and online courses to enhance their skills and knowledge. By encouraging a culture of continuous learning, BPO companies can foster innovation, creativity, and adaptability among their employees.

Benefits of Training and Development

There are numerous benefits of training and development in the BPO sector. Some of the key advantages include:

1. Improved Employee Performance: Well-trained employees are more likely to perform their job duties effectively and efficiently, leading to higher productivity levels and enhanced customer satisfaction.

2. Employee Retention: Providing opportunities for training and development shows employees that the company is invested in their professional growth and development, which can increase employee satisfaction and retention rates.

3. Enhanced Service Quality: Employees who receive thorough training are better equipped to handle customer queries and issues, resulting in improved service quality and customer experience.

4. Competitive Advantage: BPO companies that invest in training and development are better positioned to outperform their competitors by having a skilled and knowledgeable workforce.

Training and Development Strategies

To ensure the success of training and development programs in the BPO sector, companies can adopt the following strategies:

1. Customized Training Programs: Tailoring training programs to the specific needs of the employees and the company can maximize the effectiveness of the training sessions.

2. Mentorship Programs: Pairing new employees with experienced mentors can provide valuable guidance and support, helping them to integrate into the company culture and learn from seasoned professionals.

3. Performance Evaluation: Regular performance evaluations can help identify areas for improvement and determine the effectiveness of the training programs.


In conclusion, training and development play a critical role in the success of the BPO sector. By investing in comprehensive training programs, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and implementing effective training strategies, BPO companies can equip their employees with the necessary skills and knowledge to excel in their roles. This not only benefits the employees but also contributes to the overall success and growth of the BPO industry.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!

Revolutionize the BPO Industry with These Technology Solutions

BPO Technology

Technology has significantly transformed how businesses operate, and the BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) industry is no exception. With the growing demands for efficiency, accuracy, and cost-effectiveness, BPO service providers are turning to various technological solutions to streamline their operations and stay ahead of the competition. In this article, we will explore three key technology solutions that are revolutionizing the BPO industry.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning are transforming the BPO industry by enabling service providers to automate tasks, gain valuable insights from data, and enhance customer interactions. AI-powered chatbots, for example, can handle customer inquiries and support requests without human intervention, improving response times and customer satisfaction. Machine learning algorithms can also analyze data trends and patterns to optimize business processes and decision-making.

Applications of AI and Machine Learning in BPO:

– Natural Language Processing (NLP) for sentiment analysis and language translation
– Analytics for predicting customer trends and behavior.
– Virtual assistants for automated customer support and service desk operations
– Automated data classification and extraction for document processing

Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

This technology uses software robots, known as “bots” to automate rule-based and repetitive tasks. In the BPO industry, RPA can handle mundane activities such as data entry, invoice processing, and document verification, allowing human agents to focus on more complex and value-added tasks. By implementing RPA, BPO service providers can increase efficiency, reduce errors, and improve overall productivity.

Benefits of RPA in BPO:

– Improved accuracy and consistency in processing tasks
– Increased speed and efficiency in completing tasks
– Cost savings by reducing manual labor and human errors
– Enhanced scalability and flexibility to handle fluctuating workloads

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing has become an integral part of modern businesses, including BPO service providers. By leveraging cloud-based technology, BPO companies can access and manage their operations, data, and applications through the internet, without the need for on-site infrastructure. This allows for greater flexibility, scalability, and accessibility, enabling BPO service providers to deliver services more efficiently and cost-effectively to their clients.

Key Benefits of Cloud Computing in BPO:

– Reduced capital expenses on hardware and software
– Boosted disaster recovery and data security capabilities
– Increased collaboration and remote working capabilities
– Improved scalability and agility to adapt to changing business demands


Technology solutions such as Robotic Process Automation, Cloud Computing, and Artificial Intelligence are revolutionizing the BPO industry by enhancing efficiency, productivity, and customer satisfaction. BPO service providers that embrace these technologies will have a competitive edge in delivering high-quality services to their clients and adapting to the rapidly evolving business landscape.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

By staying abreast of the latest technological advancements, One Contact Center takes great pride in driving sustainable growth in the digital age.  OCC offers AI solutions, and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!