
Leveraging Technology for Better Customer Engagement

Not so long ago, communication with customers was limited to a few traditional methods like phone calls, mail, or face-to-face interactions. However, the rapid advancement of technology has opened numerous new channels and opportunities for customer communication. Understanding and leveraging the technology effectively can significantly enhance a company’s relationship with its customers. 

Utilizing AI and Chatbots

AI and Chatbots have revolutionized customer service by providing instant responses to common inquiries, reducing wait times, and freeing up human agents for more complex issues. They can be integrated across various platforms such as websites, social media, and mobile apps, ensuring a seamless customer experience.

Text Message Marketing

Text message marketing leverages the high open rates of SMS to deliver timely and personalized messages directly to customers’ phones. This method is highly effective for time-sensitive promotions and reminders, ensuring that your message is seen almost instantly.

Web-Based Live Chat

Web-based live chat systems are essential for real-time customer support and sales assistance. They allow businesses to connect instantly with customers, providing a platform for immediate query resolution and enhancing the overall customer experience. Implementing live chat has been shown to significantly increase customer satisfaction rates.

Integrating CRM Systems

CRM systems are essential for managing customer interactions and data effectively. They help businesses track customer activities, manage leads, and automate marketing efforts, which enhances communication and fosters better relationships.

Exploring New Tech Platforms

The continuous advancement in technology offers businesses new platforms to reach and interact with customers. Staying updated with the latest technologies and testing new platforms can provide competitive advantages and improve overall communication strategies.

Training and Empowering Your Team

Developing Strong Communication Skills

To ensure consistent quality, conduct the training regularly and when necessary, such as in times of crisis or product and company updates. Use role-play exercises to give customer service agents experience with various customer interactions. This practical approach helps in building confidence and competence.

Encouraging Empathy and Active Listening

Empathy and active listening are crucial for effective customer service. Train your team to fully engage with customers by understanding their perspectives and providing appropriate feedback. This can include exercises like role-playing from the customer’s point of view to enhance empathy.

Handling Difficult Conversations

Equip your team with the skills to handle difficult conversations through structured training sessions. These should include strategies for de-escalation and maintaining professionalism, even in challenging situations. Regular feedback and scenario-based training can significantly improve the handling of such interactions.

Creating Engaging Content

Developing Relevant and Valuable Content

To effectively engage your audience, it’s crucial to develop content that is both relevant and valuable. This involves understanding the needs and interests of your customers and creating content that addresses these areas. Use customer interactions to learn about common pain points and questions, then tailor your content to provide solutions and answers.

Using Multimedia to Enhance Messages

Incorporating multimedia elements like images, videos, and infographics can significantly enhance the appeal and effectiveness of your messages. These elements help in breaking the monotony of text and make the content more engaging and easier to understand.

Interactive and Real-Time Engagement

Engaging with customers in real time through live chats, webinars, or interactive posts can significantly boost engagement levels. This direct interaction not only fosters a stronger connection but also allows for immediate feedback and adjustments to your content strategy.


Effective communication with customers is more crucial than ever in today’s multifaceted digital landscape. As technologies evolve, so too should our approaches to customer communication, ensuring that every interaction adds value and builds trust. Leveraging technology and implementing effective communication techniques will not only enhance customer engagement but also drive business growth.

One Contact Center 

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. 

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Effective Ways to Communicate with Customers and Personalizing Interactions

Customers Communication

In today’s digital age, effective communication with customers is pivotal for business success. The landscape of customer communication has evolved significantly, offering multiple channels and technologies that businesses can leverage to enhance their interaction with customers. This article explores the most effective ways to communicate with customers, ensuring they feel valued and engaged.

Understanding Customer Communication Channels

Social Media Interactions

In today’s digital age, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram have become pivotal in fostering direct and immediate customer communication. These platforms allow for real-time engagement and personalized responses, enhancing the customer experience.

Email and Newsletters

Email remains a powerful tool for reaching out to customers with updates, promotions, and informative content. Regular newsletters keep your audience engaged and informed, turning one-time buyers into repeat customers.

In-person and Phone Conversations

Despite the rise of digital communication, traditional methods such as in-person and phone conversations still hold significant value. They provide a personal touch that is often appreciated by customers, especially in complex service scenarios or when a quick resolution is needed.

Personalizing Customer Interactions

Tailored Email Marketing

Email marketing remains a powerful tool for personalizing customer interactions. By segmenting your audience and tailoring content to meet their specific needs, you can enhance engagement significantly. Use customer data to craft personalized messages that resonate on a personal level, increasing the likelihood of a positive response.

Customized Social Media Responses

Social media offers a unique platform for real-time, personalized customer service. Responding to customer queries and comments with customized messages shows that you value their input and are attentive to their specific concerns. This practice not only boosts customer satisfaction but also enhances your brand’s reputation.

Personal Touch in Customer Service

Incorporating a personal touch in customer service can transform customer interactions from transactional to meaningful. Whether it’s remembering customer preferences or acknowledging their previous interactions, these small gestures make a big impact. They reflect a deep understanding of the customer’s needs and foster a stronger connection.

Building Trust through Transparency

Admitting Faults Publicly

Transparency sets the foundation of an honest, open, and long-lasting relationship.When admitting faults, it’s crucial to be upfront about mistakes and communicate them to customers as soon as possible. This approach not only shows accountability but also builds trust by demonstrating a commitment to honesty.

Offering Clear Solutions

When issues arise, simply acknowledging them isn’t enough. Offering clear, actionable solutions is key to maintaining trust. Explain how the problem will be solved and what steps will be taken to prevent future occurrences. This transparency in problem-solving reinforces customer confidence in your brand.

Maintaining Open Lines of Communication

Keeping communication lines open is essential for building and maintaining trust. Encourage customers to share their concerns and ensure they know their voices are heard. This ongoing dialogue fosters a deeper relationship and shows that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement.

Strategies for Effective Dialogue

Effective dialogue with customers is not just about talking; it’s about fostering a two-way conversation where listening is as crucial as speaking. Here are some strategies to ensure your dialogues are productive and meaningful.

Listening Actively

Active listening is fundamental in customer interactions. It involves more than just hearing the words; it requires understanding the emotions and intentions behind them. This can be achieved by nodding in in-person conversations, providing auditory cues over the phone, or ensuring timely responses in messaging platforms.

Empathetic Responses

Responding with empathy, understanding, and patience, especially when a customer is upset, helps in de-escalating situations and finding solutions more effectively.

Consistent Follow-Ups

Following up shows that you value the customer and their experience. It’s not just about resolving issues but also about ensuring satisfaction and seeking feedback to improve future interactions.


In today’s fast-paced and technology-driven world, effective communication with customers is more crucial than ever. The myriad of platforms available—from social media to live chats—provides numerous opportunities for businesses to engage with their clientele in meaningful ways. By implementing a two-way communication channel, being present and empathetic on online platforms, and embracing less formal interactions, companies can build stronger connections and enhance customer satisfaction. Remember, listening is just as important as speaking in any successful communication strategy. 

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. As we’ve explored various effective methods of customer communication, it’s clear to us that adapting to and leveraging these communication avenues can significantly benefit our business’s relationship with our customers.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Outsourcing vs Insourcing: Which is the Better Option?

Outsourcing and Insourcing

In the business world, the decision to outsource or insource certain functions or processes is a critical one that can significantly impact a company’s success. Both outsourcing and insourcing have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential for business owners to carefully consider which option is best for their specific needs. In this article, we will explore the differences between outsourcing and insourcing and the factors to consider when making this decision.

Cost Considerations

One of the most significant factors that companies consider when deciding between outsourcing and insourcing is cost. Outsourcing can often be a more cost-effective option for businesses, as it allows them to access specialized services or skills without hiring full-time employees. Additionally, outsourcing can help companies save on overhead costs such as office space, equipment, and employee benefits.

On the other hand, insourcing can sometimes be more cost-effective in the long run, as companies have more control over the quality and efficiency of the work being done. Insourcing also allows companies to build a skilled workforce in-house, which can lead to long-term cost savings and increased productivity.

Quality Control

When it comes to quality control, insourcing often has the upper hand. With insourcing, companies have more oversight and control over the work being done, which can lead to higher-quality results. Companies can also more easily implement changes or improvements to processes and procedures when work is being done in-house.

Outsourcing, on the other hand, can sometimes lead to challenges with quality control. When work is outsourced to a third party, companies may have less visibility into the processes and procedures being used, which can result in lower-quality work. Communication and coordination issues can also arise when work is outsourced, leading to delays or misunderstandings.

Flexibility and Scalability

Another factor to consider when deciding between outsourcing and insourcing is flexibility and scalability. Outsourcing can offer companies greater flexibility, as they can easily scale up or down their operations based on their needs. Outsourcing can also provide access to a larger pool of talent, which can be beneficial for companies looking to expand into new markets or industries.

Insourcing can sometimes be less flexible than outsourcing, as companies may be limited by the size and skills of their in-house workforce. However, insourcing can provide companies with greater control over their operations, which can be beneficial for companies with strict quality standards or unique business requirements.

Decision-Making Process

 When it comes to deciding between outsourcing and insourcing, companies should carefully evaluate their specific needs, goals, and resources. It can be helpful to conduct a cost-benefit analysis to determine which option is the most cost-effective in the long run. Companies should also consider factors such as quality control, flexibility, and scalability when making this decision.

Ultimately, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of whether outsourcing or insourcing is the better option. Each company will need to carefully weigh the pros and cons of each option and determine which one aligns best with its overall business strategy and goals. By taking the time to evaluate these factors and make an informed decision, companies can set themselves up for success in the long term.

In conclusion, the decision to outsource or insource certain functions or processes is a complex one that requires careful consideration of various factors. Both outsourcing and insourcing have their own set of advantages and disadvantages, and it is essential for companies to carefully evaluate their specific needs and goals before making this decision. By weighing factors such as cost, quality control, flexibility, and scalability, companies can make an informed decision that will set them up for success in the long run.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers outsourcing services for small businesses, startups, and international brands. If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable BPO services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Globalization Impact on the BPO Industry: Opportunities and Challenges

BPO Industry

Globalization has undoubtedly taken the business world by storm, significantly shaping industries and redefining the way companies operate on a global scale. One particular sector that has felt the profound effects of globalization is the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) industry. In this article, we will delve into the impact of globalization on the BPO industry, exploring both the opportunities and challenges it presents.

Opportunities in Globalization for the BPO Industry

1. Market Expansion: Globalization has opened up new markets for BPO companies, allowing them to tap into a broader client base across borders. With advancements in technology and communication, BPO firms can now provide their services to clients worldwide, creating opportunities for growth and expansion.

2. Cost Savings: One of the primary drivers behind outsourcing is cost savings, and globalization has only amplified this benefit for the BPO industry. By leveraging lower labor costs in countries like India and the Philippines, BPO companies can provide cost-effective solutions to their clients, driving operational efficiencies and improving their bottom line.

3. Access to Talent Pool: Globalization has facilitated the movement of skilled labor across borders, enabling BPO companies to access a diverse talent pool for their operations. By tapping into a global workforce, BPO firms can leverage specialized skills and expertise to deliver high-quality services to their clients.

Challenges in Globalization for the BPO Industry

1. Competition: The BPO industry is highly competitive, with numerous players vying for market share. Globalization has intensified this competition, as companies from various countries enter the fray, offering similar services at competitive prices. BPO firms must differentiate themselves and adapt to changing market dynamics to stay ahead of the curve.

2. Regulatory Compliance: Operating in a globalized environment means navigating complex regulatory landscapes and compliance requirements. BPO companies must stay abreast of international regulations and data privacy laws to ensure they are operating within legal boundaries and safeguarding client data.

3. Cultural Differences: Globalization has made it easier for BPO companies to work with clients from diverse cultural backgrounds. However, managing cultural differences and communication challenges can hinder effective collaboration. BPO firms must invest in cultural training and sensitivity to bridge these gaps and foster positive client relationships.

Future Outlook for the BPO Industry in a Globalized World

The future of the BPO industry looks promising in a globalized world, with continued growth and innovation on the horizon. As technology advances and businesses seek to streamline their operations, BPO companies will play a crucial role in providing efficient and scalable solutions. By embracing the opportunities presented by globalization and overcoming its challenges, the BPO industry is poised for sustained success in the evolving business landscape.

Globalization has had a profound impact on the BPO industry, shaping its growth and trajectory in the global marketplace. While it has presented numerous opportunities for expansion and efficiency, it has also posed challenges that require strategic adaptation and resilience. 

One Contact Center

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One Contact Center has embraced the changing dynamics of the globalized world so we can thrive and excel in an increasingly interconnected business environment. 

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Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Support Services: A Comprehensive Guide

Outsourcing Customer Support Services

Outsourcing customer support services has become a popular choice for businesses looking to streamline their operations and improve their overall customer experience. By entrusting customer support to a specialized third-party provider, companies can benefit from a range of advantages that can help them save time, and resources, and improve customer satisfaction. In this article, we will explore the various benefits of outsourcing customer support services.

Cost Savings

Cost savings is one of the most significant advantages of outsourcing customer support services. By outsourcing, businesses can avoid investing in expensive infrastructure, training, and staff recruitment for an in-house customer support team. Instead, they can pay a flat fee to a third-party provider, which can often be more cost-effective in the long run.

Improved Efficiency

Outsourcing customer support services can also lead to improved efficiency for businesses. External customer support providers are typically experts in the field, with access to specialized tools and technologies that can streamline operations and resolve customer queries more quickly and effectively. This can result in faster response times, increased customer satisfaction, and ultimately, improved business performance.

24/7 Support

Many outsourced customer support providers offer 24/7 support, allowing businesses to provide round-the-clock assistance to their customers. This can be particularly beneficial for companies with a global customer base or those operating in different time zones. 24/7 support ensures that customers can receive help whenever they need it, leading to higher levels of customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Outsourcing customer support services also allows businesses to scale their operations up or down based on demand. During peak seasons or busy periods, businesses can easily increase the number of customer support agents to handle the increased workload. Conversely, during slower periods, they can scale back without having to worry about layoffs or employee morale.

Access to Expertise

By outsourcing customer support services, businesses can gain access to a pool of experienced and skilled professionals who are experts in managing customer interactions. These professionals undergo rigorous training and are well-versed in handling a variety of customer queries and concerns. This expertise can help businesses deliver superior customer service and build strong relationships with their customers.

Focus on Core Activities

Outsourcing customer support services allows businesses to focus on their core activities and strategic objectives, rather than getting bogged down in day-to-day support operations. By freeing up internal resources, businesses can divert their attention to areas that drive growth and innovation, ultimately leading to improved business performance and profitability.


In conclusion, outsourcing customer support services can offer a range of benefits for businesses looking to enhance their customer experience, improve efficiency, and reduce costs. By entrusting customer support to a specialized third-party provider, businesses can gain access to expertise, scalability, and around-the-clock support, ultimately leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support and other BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


Outsourcing Back-Office Processes: Trends, Benefits and Strategies

Back Office Support

Outsourcing back-office processes has become a popular practice among businesses looking to streamline operations, reduce costs, and focus on core competencies. In today’s competitive and fast-paced business environment, businesses are constantly looking for ways to stay ahead of the curve and maximize efficiencies. Outsourcing back-office processes such as finance and accounting, human resources, and administration has proven to be an effective strategy for many organizations. In this article, we will explore the current trends in outsourcing back-office processes and how businesses can benefit from this practice.

 Benefits of Outsourcing Back-Office Processes

 Outsourcing back-office processes offers a wide range of benefits for businesses, including cost savings, improved efficiency, access to specialized skills, and increased flexibility. By delegating non-core functions to external service providers, companies can focus on their core business activities and strategic initiatives. Additionally, outsourcing back-office processes allows organizations to tap into global talent pools, access advanced technologies, and scale operations up or down based on their needs.

 1. Rise of Digital Transformation

The rise of digital transformation has had a significant impact on the outsourcing industry, especially when it comes to back-office processes. Companies are increasingly leveraging automation, artificial intelligence, and data analytics to streamline back-office operations and enhance efficiency. Digital technologies such as robotic process automation (RPA) and cloud computing are being used to automate repetitive tasks, improve data accuracy, and enable real-time collaboration between in-house teams and external service providers.

 2. Focus on Data Security and Compliance

Data security and compliance have always been top priorities for businesses outsourcing back-office processes. With the growing threat of cyber-attacks and data breaches, companies are investing in robust security measures and compliance frameworks to protect their sensitive information. Service providers are also expected to adhere to stringent data protection regulations and industry standards to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.

 3. Shift Towards Value-Added Services

In addition to cost savings and efficiency gains, companies are now looking for value-added services when outsourcing back-office processes. Service providers are being asked to deliver innovative solutions, strategic insights, and personalized experiences that drive business growth and competitive advantage. As a result, outsourcing relationships are becoming more collaborative and strategic, with a focus on delivering tangible business outcomes and enhancing customer satisfaction.

 4. Emphasis on Scalability and Flexibility

 Scalability and flexibility are key considerations for businesses when outsourcing back-office processes. Organizations need to have the ability to scale operations up or down based on changing market dynamics, customer demands, and internal requirements. Service providers are expected to offer flexible pricing models, customized solutions, and on-demand resources to accommodate the evolving needs of their clients. By partnering with agile and responsive outsourcing providers, companies can adapt to changing business conditions and seize new opportunities.

 5. Integration of Outsourcing with Business Strategy

As outsourcing back-office processes becomes more integral to business operations, companies are aligning their outsourcing strategies with their overall business objectives. Organizations are taking a holistic approach to outsourcing, considering factors such as risk management, vendor management, performance monitoring, and value creation. By integrating outsourcing into their business strategy, companies can leverage external expertise, drive innovation, and achieve sustainable growth in the long run.

In conclusion, the trends in outsourcing back-office processes are evolving rapidly in response to changes in technology, market dynamics, and customer expectations. By staying abreast of these trends and embracing innovation, businesses can unlock new opportunities for growth, efficiency, and competitiveness. Outsourcing back-office processes is not just a cost-saving measure but a strategic imperative for organizations looking to thrive in today’s digital age. As companies continue to invest in digital transformation, data security, value-added services, scalability, and integration, outsourcing will remain a powerful tool for driving business success and achieving sustainable results.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers back-office support and other BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help!


The Crucial Role of BPO Services in Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing

Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) has become essential to many companies’ operations as they seek to streamline processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. BPO services are crucial in helping businesses outsource non-core functions, allowing them to focus on their core competencies and strategic goals.

Benefits of BPO Services:

1. Cost Savings:

One of the primary reasons companies turn to BPO services is to reduce operational costs. Businesses can achieve significant savings by outsourcing functions such as customer service, data entry, or IT support to countries with lower labor costs.

2. Increased Efficiency:

BPO services are often provided by specialized firms that have the expertise and resources to handle specific tasks more efficiently than in-house teams. This allows companies to benefit from improved processes and quicker turnaround times.

3. Scalability:

Outsourcing through BPO services enables businesses to scale their operations up or down quickly in response to changing market conditions or seasonal demands. This flexibility is crucial for maintaining agility and competitiveness.

Types of BPO Services:

1. Back Office Outsourcing:

Back-office functions such as data entry, accounting, human resources, and administrative support can be outsourced to BPO service providers. This allows companies to focus on their core business activities.

2. Front Office Outsourcing:

Front-office functions such as customer service, sales, and marketing can also be outsourced to BPO services. Outsourcing these functions can help improve customer experience and generate more revenue.

Role of BPO Services:

1. Specialized Expertise:

BPO service providers often have specialized expertise in specific areas, allowing them to deliver high-quality services that may not be possible in-house. This expertise can help businesses streamline processes and improve overall performance.

2. Technology and Infrastructure:

BPO service providers invest in the latest technology and infrastructure to support their operations. By leveraging these resources, businesses can benefit from improved efficiency and productivity without having to make large investments themselves.

3. Risk Management:

Outsourcing certain functions to BPO services can help mitigate risks associated with those activities. Service level agreements and quality assurance measures ensure that the outsourced tasks are performed to a high standard, reducing the likelihood of errors or compliance issues.

4. Focus on Core Business Activities:

By outsourcing non-core functions to BPO services, companies can free up resources and time to focus on their core business activities. This allows them to innovate, grow, and remain competitive in their industry.


BPO services play a vital role in business process outsourcing by providing cost-effective solutions, specialized expertise, and scalability to companies looking to streamline their operations. By leveraging the benefits of BPO services, businesses can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and focus on their core competencies to drive growth and success.


25 Customer Service Facts, Quotes and Statistics You Shouldn’t Ignore

Customer Service Facts

The digital revolution continues to cause notable changes and shifts in customer attitudes and expectations. While customer service teams are also expected to adapt and rejig their strategies to meet modern needs, it’s always helpful to have facts and figures available to help teams make informed decisions. Right below are some of our top picks for the best customer service facts, statistics, and quotes.

Bad customer service will cost your business dearly!

  1. 50% of Americans would stop a planned transaction due to poor customer service.

             American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. 33% of Americans say they may switch companies after a single bad service experience.

              American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Businesses in the US lose about $62 billion yearly due to poor customer service.

              New Voice Media

  1. While Americans will tell only 11 people about excellent service experience, they’ll tell 15 people about a poor experience.

            American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

Great customer service boosts business profits and revenue!

  1. 70% of US consumers are likely to spend more on companies with great service delivery.

          American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. A 5% increase in customer retention can boost profits by about 25% to 95%.

         Bain & Company

  1. More millennials are willing to spend more if provided with great service.

        American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Acquiring new customers can be anywhere from five to twenty-five times more expensive than retaining current ones.

        Harvard Business Review

What do consumers think?

  1. Feeling unappreciated would make customers switch companies more than any other reason.


  1. 77% of consumers would recommend a business to their friends after a positive experience

       Temkin Group

  1. 81% of Americans feel like businesses are meeting service expectations today compared to 67% in 2014.

      American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. It is still true that customers remember the service a lot longer than they remember the price.

      Lauren Freedman of the E-tailing Group

When it comes to service, going the extra mile pays!

  1. As much as 75% of consumers would like to reach a live agent faster.

        Harris Interactive

  1. 61% of US adult consumers would prefer to do business with companies offering consistent customer services online and offline.


  1. More than 62% of consumers attribute a recent positive experience to the resourcefulness and pleasant nature of a service representative.

       American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Your customers should not be viewed as problems. They are a part of the solution so you should ask them to be part of it.

       Alan Weiss, speaker, and author.

Social media is a great avenue for service!

  1. 53% of Americans are more likely to post about positive service experiences on social media compared to about 35% who would post about poor experiences.

        American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. The average wait time to engage your customers on social media is nine hours.

       Shep Hyken, The 2015 Customer Experience Outlook

  1. About 35% of customers have reached out to companies on social media compared to just 23% and 17% in 2014 and 2012 respectively.

      American Express 2017 Customer Service Barometer

  1. Recommendations from friends and colleagues via social media updates are far more likely to result in sales compared to user reviews on platforms like Yelp and Amazon although those are still important too.

      Jason Mittelstaedt, Yellowstone Growth Partners

  1. 54% of customers used email customer service channels last year making it the most commonly used digital service channel.


  1. Many customers expect email responses in under an hour.

         Toister Performance Solutions

  1. Knowledge bases are the most-used service channels among consumers.


  1. The single most important thing is to make people happy. If you are making people happy, as a side effect, they will be happy to open up their wallets and pay you.”

         Derek Sivers, Founder, CD Baby

  1. “Customer service shouldn’t just be a department; it should be the entire company.”

         Tony Hsieh, Founder, and CEO of Zappos

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


Customer Service vs. Customer Experience: What’s the Difference and Why It Matters

Customer Services vs Customer Experience

Is customer service the same as customer experience? If they are not the same, then how does customer service differ from customer experience, and which to focus on?

Everyone in the contact industry talks about the importance of customer experience in the digital era. However, many businesses today do not know and are often confused about the difference between customer service and customer experience for a variety of reasons. Today, we set out to clear the confusion between the two once and for all.

Let’s take a look at customer service vs. customer experience in more detail.

What is Customer Service?

Customer service focuses on human interaction and directly supporting customers by giving them assistance or advice before or after using or buying your company’s products or services.

 The goal of customer service is to increase customer satisfaction by creating everlasting relationships with customers. It usually requires a team of professionals who can provide answers and assistance like troubleshooting any issues, helping customers how to best use the products, and ensuring that customers have a great buying experience.

What is Customer Experience?

While customer service is one piece of the puzzle, customer experience (CX) is the entire puzzle which involves all the interactions your customer has with your business, products, and services.

Customer experience involves all the ways your business interacts with a customer, from the time the customer is researching the product to shopping and purchasing to actually using the product and following up with the brand afterward. 

3 main components of customer experience:

  1. Customer Service: This includes the interaction between your customer and your team including customer support, customer success, and self-service support.
  2. Technology: This is the product itself — how it works and the interactivity points.
  3. Design: This includes your brand marketing, brand design, and the feelings your brand creates for your customers.

To do customer experience the right way all those components should combine and work together.

Customer Service or Customer Experience?

Customer Service vs. Customer Experience | MC Advisory | Business  Development en Social Media monitoring en Online Customer Care

Clearly “customer service” and “customer experience” are not the same thing, but they are related.  

To set the record straight, customer service is one of the components that make up customer experience. This component is limited to the customer interactions regarding your products or services. Customer experience, on the other hand, involves analyzing data from non-customer-facing teams that contribute to a customer’s overall experience with a product or service.

Now, if you are wondering whether to focus on customer service or customer experience for the best business outcomes, the answer is that you can’t ignore either one, because both of them matter. Customer experience should be at the heart of everything your business does. By including customer service, your brands can delight your customers and exceed their expectations.

If you need an expert company to provide your customers with a seamless, engaged, and real-time customer experience, One Contact Center is the company to call.

One Contact Center

One Contact Center

One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.


OCC Tips: Effective Customer Retention  Strategies to Take Note

customer retention

How many customers you can retain will impact the success and sustainability of your business going forward.  

Just so you know how important this can be, increasing customer retention by just 5% will help boost your bottom line by as much as 25%, according to research conducted by Harvard Business School. 

What exactly is customer retention?

The customer retention rate describes how well a business gets to keep its paying customers over time. Making and keeping customers should also be the business of every business and below are a few strategies that can help with this. 

How should you improve customer retention? 

Various strategies will help your business keep its paying customers. Some of the most effective among these strategies are discussed below, based on research. 

1. Stand for something.  

The Corporate Executive Board surveyed some 7,000 consumers across the US and the research revealed that as much as 64 percent of these consumers attributed their loyalty and relationship to a brand as a result of their shared values. That should be food for thought if you’re yet to identify with something. 

2. Leverage positive social proof.

Testimonials, online reviews, and other social proofs will prove very vital in getting customers to trust and rely on your brand. Negative social proof will achieve the opposite effect as well. 

3. Appeal to inner ego.

Research has shown that many people prefer products and companies that somehow resemble them. This means you should craft your product, your message, and every other thing to match the needs and yearnings of your target customers. 

4. Show your values and differences.

Help customers identify the value of your service or product by making them see what values your product offers them. This is a strong marketing tool but then you need to be able to understand their current position (how they describe their problems) and where they want to be (how you solve their problems). 

5. Tell them what they want to hear.

Words carry weight and not every word has the same weight. Free, instantly, new, and a host of other words have more persuasive power than others. Most times, these words may even have a psychological effect on their experience with the product or service they’ll purchase. 

6. Reduce friction and pain points.

Nearly a quarter of your customers will be conservative spenders or worse still, tightwads. That’s according to research by Wharton University. For this group of consumers, you’ll need to reduce their pain points and eliminate friction. Using reassuring words such as replacing “a $5 fee” with “a one-time $5 fee” or “a small $5 fee” will seem more appealing. 

7. Educate customers and don’t just sell. 

Don’t leave your customers to fend for themselves.  

Ongoing classes and customer support blogs are just a few of the ways by which you can provide useful info to educate your customers so they get more success from patronizing your brand.  

8. Show your appreciation. 

Nordstrom, Wufoo, and Zappos, all have something in common.  

They all understand the power of ‘thank you’ to their customers as simple as this can be. This is a great strategy you should incorporate to better retain your customers. 

9. Prioritize quality over speed. 

Don’t prioritize speed at the expense of quality.  

As important as timeliness can be, it should be secondary to quality. Again, put enough effort into ensuring you deliver delight with the smallest possible efforts. Don’t sacrifice simplicity just to show off showy gestures that try to imply going the extra mile. 

10. Communicate through the right channels.

There will be some channels your customers prefer over others. Rather than trying to work within an established template, it’s always better to pick a channel that will make the most suit your customers and your business. 

11. Don’t forget the cause while focusing on the effect.

Don’t just apologize or solve the problem alone. Rather, be sure to address the root cause as well so other customers won’t have to face the same issues too. Research has shown that customers who are sensitive to price changes are more likely to leave if they encounter some issues with the product, service, or support they’ve got. 

12. Reward advocacy.  

Time and again, some loyal customers will go out of their way to recommend your business to others. Show them you appreciate their efforts. This can be through simple messages such as a “thank you” to others such as discount offers. 

There is no magic, no shortcuts, and no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to customer retention. Still, a combination of one or all of the above strategies, as well as some others not included in this post, will help you improve your customer retention rate, and boost profits and revenue in the process. 

One Contact Center


One Contact Center offers call center support and BPO services for small businesses, startups, and international brands.

If you’re keen on boosting your customer experience with reliable support services, please, contact us today. We’ll be more than happy to help.